Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Real Titanic: Abortion, Infant and Child Abuse

No offense to survivors and relatives of those who perished, as their grief is genuine and honored, as is that grief of any tragedy and loss.

Having said that, besides the bona fide mourners, why do people (Hollywood and OCD types) care more about the Titanic than current day "Titanics?"

How about the lives of the aborted children, in the millions, whose love will never have a chance to "go on"?

How about the daily horror stories of physical and sexual abuse of babies, young children, and the helpless innocent?

Darfur, Darfur, Darfur....

Iraq... how about that country as the Titanic?

Goodness. I know everyone needs a hobby but I wish people would get a grip and stop worshipping at the watery grave of one set of people.

These same worshippers never give a moment's thought to the many who sank beneath the waves defending the world from Nazism and fascism in World War II. I wouldn't mind so much if there were endless movies, theme songs, on line resources, and memorial "goods" produced in their name and memory!

Rant ooooooooover!!

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