Saturday, July 28, 2007

The 8 Facts Internet Game Thingee

8 Facts You Never Wanted to Know About Me

"The rules are simple... Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.'

1. Sometimes I eat only condiments, usually when I need an energy boost, or have run out of the type of food to support the condiment. Examples are solo spoonfuls of peanut butter, maple syrup, honey, jelly, pats of butter, and marzipan (almond paste.)

2. The Moody Blues were my favorite rock band, except when they came out with the drug sympathetic song “Timothy Leary’s dead.” I intensely disliked and banished them for years because of that song. When they proved albums later that it was just a fluke of the times, I became their biggest fan again. I always missed Michael Pindar though, because he melded into their songs overt love and praise of God.

3. I was born with a natural knowledge of mathematics and astrophysics. In 8th grade I won a small local science fair project not with the brilliance of what I did, but because I figured out a way to take a small piece of what I already knew and come up with a methodology by which I might have “discovered” it through experimentation. Even then the judges did a little bit of head scratching.

4. When people go to the zoo and say “Phew!” at how the giraffes smell, I think to myself how great I think that they smell! That unique giraffe smell is the result of chemicals that flag a high degree of health and antibiotic action within particularly the males. So for me smelling a giraffe is like appreciating a guy who used a nice antibiotic soap in the shower! Natural Zest!

5. I know when people are lying and/or pretending to be someone they are not. I rarely let on that I do because even as a child, I realized there was no escaping it, because it has become the general societal condition. I hope to teach people otherwise.

6. When I was a little girl my mother, who is a rough and aggressive person at best, gave me my first finger nail trim and did as painful a job as possible, skipping only the bamboo shoots. No fool I, I realized that if I developed the habit of biting my nails, she’d have no cause to cut my nails again. So I cultivated biting my nails for many years as a deliberate survival strategy and she never touched my nails after that first time. That’s one reason I can give good counseling to self cutters, because I get the logic.

7. One of my favorite things is to have a garden that yields fresh flowers for cutting every day. Carnations, gladiolas, and roses are my steady favorite flowers. I also make potpourri. I collect essential oils and design interesting mixtures of fragrances. I do ikebana (Japanese flower arranging.) Ideally, I’d like to do a new arrangement each day.

8. I always buy a house with a well.

*I tag anyone who wants to be tagged!*


Russ Rentler, M.D. said...

I do the condiment thing too!
Particularly the peanut butter.
My wife has a garden and the fresh cut flowers are a regular joy for sure.
God bless you

MMajor Fan said...

Great to see you tiber, thank you for visiting! These 8 facts things are fun, strange icebreakers in a way ha.
I'm glad your wife has a garden. I think it's so important for both beauty and health. I'd like to see at least hydroponic gardens in every building and residence.
Bless you both too.