Friday, May 30, 2008

Cardinal George apology not far enough

Cardinal Francis George is an admirable man and I'm a fan of his. He gave a prompt and worthy apology for the conduct of manic rogue priest Rev. Michael Pfleger regarding his improper endorsement of a political candidate and mocking of the candidate's opponent (at a pulpit no less, though thankfully not at a Catholic Church).

However, how can anyone consider allowing this so called Rev. Pfleger to continue to hear confessions, if he does actually do so? How can anyone represent Jesus Christ in the confessional while he slobbers with manic energy mocking a crying woman? Do YOU want such a mean and un-Christlike person hearing YOUR confession? And do you think it would be valid if he dispenses according to his manic identity problem? He doesn't seem to remember being a priest, he's too busy being Rev. Jackson's twin brother or something.

I think Cardinal George should forbid the so called Rev. Pfleger from hearing confessions until he undergoes some serious reforming of his vocation. What a creep. I'm sorry, but a Catholic priest should be better than that, since his JOB is administering the sacraments as stand in for the perfect love of Jesus Christ, and I saw hyper manic slobbering scorn from him. What an example. Not.