Sunday, July 20, 2008

10 struck by lightning near Boston, 4 still critical

The lightning bolt struck around 3:30 PM during a sudden violent storm, hitting spectators at a local soccer game. Two suffered heart attacks. Other news articles report that four remain in critical condition.

Prayers that these people all pull through. They were doing nothing except having good neighborly activity watching their regular Sunday sports. One is a young teenager, again, prayers for full recovery for everyone.

Hmm. Also in Boston area in a totally separate development (I'm sure), on the same day, and probably just a few hours separate from the lightning strike, a lovely Protestant Church hosted a mockery known as "ordination of 'Catholic' women priests." Yes, once again a non-Catholic church has decided to allow heretical women go through an "ordination" to "make them Catholic priests" on their premises. (A synagogue in St. Louis area hosted a similar "ordination of women" some months ago). "Thanks rabbi!"

Um, did you know that the Bible has some very explicit admonitions against undermining someone else's faith? So "fellow Christians," encouraging and sponsoring defiance of these people's faith (no matter how insistent they are) implicates you in the sin. This would be true if you were hosting, let's make up some other religion, say Buddhists doing something sacrilegious in their faith on your premises (since you imply that Jesus is sponsoring any activities in your church). Oh dear! Not so much! Big mistake!“priesthood____out_of_the_church/

By the way, before anyone gets all outraged, this is another example of "subversive humor." You see, in case you don't recall, some Protestants made a LOT of money from a "Christian" book series called "Left Behind," where they claim that most Catholics and the Pope are tools of the anti-Christ and thus will be "left behind" and better yet.... they push the notion that lightning is under the control of the anti-Christ. The Anti-Christ in fact, in the book, zaps many converted Protestant faithful to death, including the main squeeze of one of the book's "heroes." Sooooo, I am chortling not at the injured (continued prayers for their recovery) but in good subversive humor fashion, I can't help but point out that a big fat lightning bolt hit a record number of people in the same Boston vicinity within hours of a Protestant church hosting a heretical Catholic procedure. I think you see my point now? Careful what you wish for, oh fictional "Christian authors!

Now, continuing the subversive humor thought. What might their reply be? Well, they'd say "See, God's taking sides with 'us' because the lightning struck an ethnic Catholic area! And so obvious God supports the Prots sponsoring 'Catholic women priests'. " Um, wait, run that by me again, as that's a logic problem. If you say the anti-Christ controls lightning, well, surely he must all along because it's not like he "took that power away from God" after the alleged "rapture." So which is it? Is God using lightning in a very mean and, well, anti-Christ way to hurt innocent people at a soccer match, as his way of "applauding" ze wymen pryeests... in which case God doesn't sound very nice, or is this the anti-Christ's work, which means, holy smoke, he must already be here! But hey, readers, why are you reading this instead of being "raptured" and long gone, if the 'anti-Christ' 'is here?'

If one is going to make obsessive compulsive disorder occult assertions, such as what I guess they are called "dispensationalist" Protestants do in the book (and make lots of money off of it) beware when God makes a total fool of you all in front of the world to see.