Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another thought about purity

I could not sign off without adding another context thought. I've often wondered why people are so attracted to imaginary or physical means of "purification" or "cleansing" (Native American smudging, salt and crystals, taking "detox" supplements, colonic, etc) and do not realize that the Catholic Church has been demonstrating how to pray for penance and purification in co-operation with God.

It's like people would rather believe that burning sage and waving it around in the room "cleanses" and "purifies," yet they actually mock the Church that has Biblical foundation for prayers of purification (and incense too, ha). That's what I mean when I comment that people have it backwards. When talking to a new age friend and she says she "smudges," her pal nods wisely, knowing what she means, and thinking her very spiritual. But if a Catholic explains that part of the Mass, where prayer for the remediation of the stain of sin (otherwise known as, yes, "purifying") is said, they furrow their brows and wonder, "Huh? Isn't that superstitious?"

Oh my. What has this world come to? Please cooperate with God in making it better, while we still can.