Saturday, February 2, 2008

Allah wrathful toward Baghdad bomb planners

I am sending to all people a most severe warning. Allah’s cup of wrath is brimming over toward the terrorist bomb planners and all who support them, yeah, even those who feed them only one meal in support. The two terror bombings of the pet market were direct insults to the face of Isa (Jesus) Allah’s prophet and his mother Mary. Allah will not tolerate the insulting of his prophets. You may bomb each other and insult the good intentions and word of Islam but when you insult the prophets you are insulting Allah to his face. Those who plan and support these bombings will eat a very bitter fruit in hell for eternity. Countries that support those who conducted these bombings will be chastised. Even if you have improved your behavior you better try harder. This includes people who provide shelter, money, arms, verbal support, tacit support, and even Americans who secretly laugh up their sleeves at all bad news that comes from Iraq.

These terrorists insulted the joyous remembrance of holy Mary and Joseph taking their son Jesus to the Temple to introduce him to God with sacrifice of two doves. Today is the very day of this. Terrorists deliberately insulted Allah’s prophets by sending two women with diminished capacity to the market to explode two bombs among two sets of people with pigeon doves, killing both people and doves. Allah knows this was a direct insult to his prophet Isa (Jesus) and the honor and sanctity of his virgin mother Mary. This is an outrageous insult and Allah has given signs in the past day that his cup runs over with wrath for these actions and insult. The jinn in hell will be the only reward and company for those who planned and supported this diabolical attack and insult. This includes their families and those who even turn the other way when this insult was being planned and committed. I can assure you this in the name of Allah, and you would have known all this in advance if you were truly believers in the Qur’an. Only the worst infidel insults Mary mother of Jesus and Jesus with mocking their sacrifice to Allah by using retarded women to blow up innocent people holding turtle doves. I am so shocked by this that I have had to rely on Allah’s strength to even type these words describing this vile insult to his very face.