Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beatrice Da Silva Meneses (1424-90)

Daughter of a count and sister of a saint.
Raised in the household of the Princess of Portugal.
Accompanied the princess to Spain when the princess married there.
She became disenchanted with court life, especially after being falsely imprisoned by the very princess she had served.
She left the court and became a Cistercian nun.
She founded the Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Queen Isabella donated a castle to her for her congregation.

From Delaney "Dictionary of Saints."

Aren't all these real people so marvelous? Have you begun to see what a range of individual life circumstances bring people to life as a holy person, blessed, or saint? And how sanctity were their priorities, not the details of the "simple life" or "how Jesus would have lived?" These were real people who all turned to God as their highest priority and who then organized their life and gifts around their decision.