Friday, February 1, 2008

Young Atlanta GA man killed on his first job

This is a really sad story. God bless and rest his soul and comfort his family.

I totally agree with the victim's stepfather. Why is there not stricter speed enforcement AND cameras to monitor ground traffic at the country's busiest airport, so they could determine the facts. Once again (as I wondered when I found out the space shuttle didn't have cameras to observe it's own underside) I wonder about this country's priorities. People put cameras everywhere to try to get nude pictures of people in bathrooms but they didn't put them on the shuttle, they don't have them around all the supposedly secure areas of this airport, etc. It's unbelievable that this tragedy occurs in the first place where a young hard working man loses his life (and this is the second incident of its kind) but I'm secondly amazed that as the grieving stepfather says, even after September 11 these dummies do not have cameras monitoring the activities among the ground crew around the airport, for both safety and security reasons. All we can do is mourn his passing, all too soon, trust in God, and hope that some GOOD will come from examining the facts and shortcomings in this situation. Maybe this will save future lives through more safety and security measures being put in place in his memory and name.