CNN reports on what I consider to be the biggest environmental and health Smoking Gun: Westerners poisoning themselves with chemicals.
Read this article. I've been warning about this for over 30 years.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Michelle Hammond and Jeremiah Holland were intrigued when a friend at the Oakland Tribune asked them and their two young children to take part in a cutting-edge study to measure the industrial chemicals in their bodies.
"In the beginning, I wasn't worried at all; I was fascinated," Hammond, 37, recalled.
But that fascination soon changed to fear, as tests revealed that their children -- Rowan, then 18 months, and Mikaela, then 5 -- had chemical exposure levels up to seven times those of their parents.
"[Rowan's] been on this planet for 18 months, and he's loaded with a chemical I've never heard of," Holland, 37, said. "He had two to three times the level of flame retardants in his body that's been known to cause thyroid dysfunction in lab rats."
The technology to test for these flame retardants -- known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) -- and other industrial chemicals is less than 10 years old. Environmentalists call it "body burden" testing, an allusion to the chemical "burden," or legacy of toxins, running through our bloodstream. Scientists refer to this testing as "biomonitoring."
Most Americans haven't heard of body burden testing, but it's a hot topic among environmentalists and public health experts who warn that the industrial chemicals we come into contact with every day are accumulating in our bodies and endangering our health in ways we have yet to understand.
People have thought I'm an unclean idiot for not using an abundance of chemical "cleaners" or manufactured materials (instead of natural wood etc) when maintaining my household (such as it is). I've avoided plastic wherever I can, using wooden kitchen tools, glass beverage containers, and stoneware or porcelain wherever I can, and real silver flatware. Trust me, as alarming as this article is, that is just the leading edge of the crisis. People's bodies, minds, places of work, residence, and the earth itself is increasingly poisoned throughout.
Gosh, and I wonder why there is so much cancer, childhood disorders, birth defects, autism, infertility (for those who still bother actually having children), ADHD, and so forth.
Astrologers would tell you it's because Mercury is in the wrong place. New hippies say it is because of vaccinations against diseases. Get a grip. Plastic and industrial chemicals are everywhere and invade every pore of people and the environment, haunting even after it is eliminated in the waste water and leaching out of dumps, and into the very oceans around the world. Good God, when are people going to wake up to this? If there is a global manmade emergency it is this. People are turning themselves (their bodies) and the earth into plastic chemical contaminated dumps.