Friday, March 14, 2008

Female wasps pollinate fig trees for 60 million years

This is a great "wonder of nature in harmony" article. But it also is a, hopefully, humbling reminder that nature works the way that it does for a God given reason. These female wasps who lay their eggs in the fig tree fruit have aided the perpetuation of the species for 60 MILLION years. How long have humans been "civilized?" About 6000 years. Good thing for fig trees that the wasps didn't decide they are lesbian, or start smoking crack, or decide they want jobs rather than raise baby wasps, is it not?


The relationship between the wasps and figs — which has lasted more than 60 million years — involves female wasps entering figs and pollinating tiny flowers within. The pollinators then lay their eggs in the blossoms, and wasp offspring feed off the seed that develops in the flower.

One mystery scientists face when it comes to mutualism is how it remains stable. What prevents one partner from exploiting the relationship? For instance, the wasps might easily overwhelm the figs with offspring that devour all the seeds.