Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Many pro gun advocates ignorant putzes

I can barely listen to the ignorance of the fanatic pro gun lobby. Now I grew up in the country in a family that hunted and fished and I have no problems with gun ownership. But I have problems with the maniacal gun worshipping fanatics who don't even have their facts straight, yet attack anyone (including cops) who even question their stances and they actually claim they are the well informed ones. What idiots.

They constantly cite the Founding Fathers and right to bear arms, yet they cite it without a clue as to what the Founding Fathers viewed as arms ownership normalcy. Remember that there are three huge differences between "then" and "now," and therefore are problematic as far as meeting the Founding Fathers' original intentions.

1) There was no such thing as concealed weapons during the time our country was founded. People wore their guns and their swords openly. The Founding Fathers never envisioned a time of concealed weapons. That would have been viewed as abnormal behavior and against every code of honor and it was not even technically possible, as only long arms existed at that time. So you cannot legitimately quote the Founding Fathers when discussing concealed arms.

(By the way, the closest model to how it was during the days of the Founding Fathers is, ironically, Israel, where civilians and soldiers openly bear arms).

2) Guns were tools rather than weapons. Farmers and ranchers depended on guns to protect their family, homesteads and livestock. It came from the not very nice part of history where guns were used by the first American settlers to defend against Indian attacks and to overcome Indian defenses of their land. Guns replaced swords for obvious reasons, but swords remained as openly worn weapons of honor and as indicators of rank in the military and government. So the Founding Fathers lived in a time where guns and swords were essential tools to DAY TO DAY life. They would never in their wildest dreams have envisioned an America like we have now where guns are recreation and score settlers, with millions of them afloat both legal and illegal. Weapons were very expensive and dear in the time of the Founding Fathers; they would never have envisioned cheap weapons for personal use. A weapon was like a car; it was essential and a huge purchase for an individual or family. It was expected to last a lifetime and it was passed down from father to son, just as the expensive tool that it was. So you cannot cite the Founding Fathers legitimately as it is apples to oranges type of comparison between their milieu and intentions and the situation today.

3) The Founding Fathers had just fought off a corrupt monarchy and were rightfully suspicious of government. They created a Republic. A Republic is an affiliation of democratic states. The Founding Fathers ensured that the public would be able to bear arms so that the states could raise a militia in the event that an oppressive government takes over. Again, this is completely different from the argument about whether punks and gun fanatics should have personal arsenals. You cannot compare what the Founding Fathers intended, which is that the public should have their right to bear arms protected and to serve in their state militia, with the unbelievable social nightmare of gun pollution that we have today.

Like I said, I have no problem with responsible gun ownership. However, we as a country have gone FAR beyond what the Founding Fathers intended. Guns have lost their honor, their role as a tool, and their emphasis on patriotic militias and have become something that would have been indescribable to the Funding Fathers. You idiots who quote the Founding Fathers have no right to and your tongues should cleave to the tops of your mouths in punishment. You drool over a so called rock star who stood on stage and said a presidential candidate who is female should suck on the barrel of a gun. You gun advocates disgust me.