Thursday, March 6, 2008

HIGHLY recommend John McCain's book

I read Senator John McCain's book "Faith of My Fathers: A Family Memoir" and I absolutely recommend it for everyone to read. It is not a religious book; it is about this extraordinary family of grandfather, father and son (McCain) and their dedication to country, family and service. I read it several years ago and found it to be wonderful. It's important for anyone who wants to understand more about the man (without reading a political book) but also about a family that served during this past century of incredible American history. McCain details what his detention as a POW in Vietnam was like, including how he passed up chances to be released early (refusing to use his rank and connection) and the extraordinary encounter he had with a Vietnamese Christian who was a guard at the camp. I avoid political books because they are propaganda. But this is so far from being a political book that it should not be on the shelf of politics at the bookstore. It is truly a family memoir and also a memoir of America. Do check it out and have a great read. I'd read my copy again if it wasn't in storage ha.