Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another comment about gay adoption

I wanted to make this separate from the previous posting because it is a narrowing in on one aspect of gay parenting, which is the adoption route.

I know homosexual couples who have adopted children who are disabled, at risk, or cast outs in their native countries. On the face of it I understand why this seems like a noble act. However, gays are new to the "greater good" perspective as they mature in their own identity and finding their place in the pro life movement (and by pro life I don't mean simply the anti-abortion and pro life imperative, I mean the bias toward life that ensures humanity, as I described in my previous post). There are several reasons that adopting children, especially those who are disabled or at risk, is not as beneficial as one might assume.

While the world is increasingly a global community, children should not be viewed as commodities even if there are dire circumstances in their home countries. When you adopt a "reject" you are enabling the attitude in that culture that creates the deplorable circumstances. If you are a gay activist and love children then why would you not fund raise for quality orphanages or volunteer to serve in a charitable capacity to lift up ALL the children in that situation rather than try to adopt one? If you want to be a parent do so, but do it in the natural way of having your own genetic offspring as I endorse in the previous posting. If you want to save the world and be a child advocate then do THAT by using your skills and your resources to sponsor the cause of the children and their placements as a whole. Can you imagine if gays with money and influence had descended on Romania and transformed the orphanages in that sad decrepit country? You could have had your own child in a natural way, but also struck a blow for improving the lot of an entire cadre of children that have no voice or advocate.

When celebrities and others fly around buying children, especially disabled ones, they are contributing to the breakdown of their own home land's social fabric, rather than "rescuing" a child. How about fostering a native family so they can adopt their own special needs child? If I had the money I'd happily pay for a Chinese family to adopt and care for a special needs child in China rather than try to adopt and remove that child on my own.

The second recommendation I'd make about gay adoption is that if you truly cannot have a child in a natural way and adoption is your only recourse, then combine that with being a pro life and anti-abortion advocate. There are millions of abortions and they are all an abomination and loss of a precious real life. I wish that both straight and gay couples have interventions with women about to abort and make arrangements for adoption instead. Here you are truly saving a life and again, it is closer to the natural path as the baby will arrive "as is," a blessing from heaven and not from strictly a laboratory project. This is how it used to be. Many children were adopted through private arrangement, usually within families or among close friends. I know first hand where this has happened. I wish that homosexual couples would turn their attention toward the scourge of abortion and decouple it from their "sexual freedom" thinking. If you want to be a parent for all the good reasons then you should understand what I mean. Over one fourth of all Afro-Americans in this country are aborted. If you want to be a parent but also political and make a social statement, why is this not of more urgent concern to gays than it is? Why would you fly to another country to "rescue" a child so you can be a parent, while dozens are being aborted down the street from you? Gays MUST get more involved in the turning of America's heart away from the strain of abortion and toward performing loving interventions in order to bring a would-have-been aborted child to life.

I have huge compassion toward special needs children who are orphans throughout the world. The Catholic Church and other Christian agencies led the way in caring for such children throughout its history and around the world. I also have huge compassion for gay couples or individuals who truly wish to be a parent. But the trend toward adopting special needs children and feeling you are making a difference is combining two problems most ineffectively rather than solving them. Gays should use their energy and organizing power (excuse my positive stereotyping) to improve the conditions of the special needs children in situ, promote their adoption in situ, AND have their own children either naturally or as I said as a grassroots anti-abortion intervention.

I hope this is some refreshing and supportive thinking for all of you. Best of luck and good wishes.