Friday, June 13, 2008

Bills win Superbowl for Tim in heaven

I am so sad about the passing of broadcaster Tim Russert, but rejoice that people can now see the witness of a man who loved his faith and made sure that he was alright with the Lord. I am reminded of my own dad, who also was a devout Catholic, and who also died at the so very young age of 58. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, who I know must be shocked and grief stricken.

One of my first thoughts, which I hope will give his family, friends and colleagues a smile, is that all those Buffalo Bills in heaven (I sure hope there's enough of them to make up a team *wink*) will allow Tim to see that Superbowl victor he longed for on behalf of the Buffalo Bills. And since there are no tears in heaven, maybe the Lord will (or will not) tell Tim when the earthly Buffalo Bills will next win the Superbowl!

People, we must find a way to live on the edge and be ambitious and achieve, but still preserve our health and remove some of the pressures that have a direct impact on people's health. Everyone of middle age and beyond, after consultation with their doctors, should be taking a therapeutic daily aspirin dosage. Also be sure to have a diet that has a steady supply of fish oil and olive oil. That is more help than anti-cholesterol drugs and so forth. Again, as I've cautioned before, do not mega-dose. But every adult should do these three things.

Bless Tim and his whole personal and media family.