Sunday, June 29, 2008

Second stalking example: Saturday Night Live

Ah yes, the strange story of the "Saturday Night Live" television show. It has been around for decades. It had a "glory period" early on, when many people who became famous were in its cast. It has many skits and characters that are "iconic."

One famous skit mentions the name of my high school best friend's family. Trust me, I knew that it was no coincidence from the moment I first saw the skit. However, as I explained in my first example of stalking post, I tended to think these were deliberate but unconscious attempts to "get at me" by those who were using unwholesome powers and anti-God beliefs. So I knew that the skit was actually deliberately using my best friend's family's name, but thought that it was kind of a lucky shot in the dark, deliberate but not actually having identifying me personally or my private ministry. Well, so that's nearly thirty years ago and my second example of what I identified on the spot as being stalking, though I thought it was unconsciously done regarding my true identity. I was part right because little did I realize what moronic and dangerous beliefs they had which kept them from understanding my true identity. So I was right about that; they did not really know who I was. But this shows how pathetic and wasteful decades have been of making my life a miserable living hell when all I had meant to do was to guide people back to the authoritative truth that had already been given to them, and restore spiritual health and sanity.

At least now these smug assholes know that I wasn't the dumb cluck sitting there not knowing I was being stalked. I just thought it was unconscious and they could not help it. All the worse for them, in God's eyes, that it was malicious, manipulative, mocking and, obviously, conscious and deliberate.