Wednesday, June 25, 2008

State of Israel or Biblical Israel?

For those of you Christians who, incorrectly, assume that the Israel described in Biblical prophecy equals and is the same as the governmental state of Israel, you might find this article interesting.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that a Jewish theology ruling that denies right of return to Jews who believe in Jesus as the Messiah who are Jewish via the mother (and thus correctly) yet gives it to Jews who believe in the Messiah who are Jewish via the father (and thus not actually theologically Jewish). The state of Israel is a mess and has nothing to do with the Biblical Kingdom of Israel, whether a "temple" is rebuilt or not. The temple's not going to tell them who a Jew is if they can't tell themselves anymore.

It's always funny and rather sad when Christians ponder the "special relationship" that Jews "must have" with God (and then deduct all sorts of dubious prophecy from it) when they can't even tell who they are anymore themselves..... *rolls eyes*.....hmmm.