It looks pretty bad. I know the feeling of seeing your dumped possessions out on the street being rained upon.
Iowa's a very pretty and green state, from what I saw of it. About eight years ago I accompanied a former friend of mine as she drove a truck of furniture out west for her daughter's store and we drove through Iowa. We had to spend a night in Davenport, but there were no hotel rooms at all ("convention"). I remembered that most hotels hold a few rooms back for high payers, so I dug out my charge card and asked and we got a room after being told there were no rooms available. LOL.
Anyway, the next day we drove across the length of Iowa and I was very impressed with its subtle beauty. It's not the flat corn fields that many imagine. The east part in particular is lovely green rolling hills, at least from what I saw from my view along the highway. It was pretty and soothing, so long as one was not looking for a hotel room ha ha.