Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Choose Your Weapons"

The line "Choose your weapons" is a classic in many movies. It refers to the challenge to duel, where the challenger gives the one being challenged the choice of weaponry that they will use (typically gun or sword).

In God's world, when a person declares war either openly or secretly upon an innocent soul, the sinner does not give the innocent person any choice in the matter. So God will respond using some form of "the weapon" that the aggressor is using against the innocent. Therefore you have a corillary to the Biblical admonition that if one lives by the sword, ones dies by the sword too.

Invisible weapons such as gossip, lies, deceit, thievery, spite, assault of character or personage, will all in time be turned against the person who wields them. And God, in his fullness of all-seeing and knowledge, knows what is the full arsenal that is being concealed in the dark, and will have a selection of ways that they will, eventually, be turned against the aggressor.

Remember too that it is not only the "head" or "main sinner" who is in peril of having their own deeds turned against them. Those who benefit from the sinner's deeds are also in peril of being felled by the sinner's choice of covert or overt weaponry. Nowadays where it is more complex relationships than the Biblical family and tribal relationship, one must remember that God will also smite those who financially benefit, including employees, retinue, entourage, and the secret encouragers of sin in the dark of back rooms. Remember that the Lord God explained this to the Israelites:

Thou shalt not adore them nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon their children unto the third and fourth generation of those that hate Me; and showing mercy unto thousands of those that love Me and keep My commandments.