Monday, July 14, 2008

"White magic" abuse of my family, one example

Here is a personal example of what I just wrote about, the damage and grave sin of so called “psychics” sending “white magic” dreams of “comfort” or otherwise.

Many years ago my mother told me that she “received” “visits” from her deceased husband-my father- that were “comforting” as in explicitly erotic and also sometimes “angry” where he would “yell at her.” Of course I knew immediately that these are not authentic. But since my mother seeks spiritual direction from no one, least of all me, I just listened and tried to be neutral. Oh, and she would also be “led” to look out the window and “see his star.” Yikes.

My conclusion for many years was that she was unconsciously plugged into the psychic filth that humanity has rolled in for decades now. There is such arrogant spiritual inflation “everyone is important, spiritual, and the center of the universe, woo hoo, with the moon rotating around their ass,” that I figured she was inadvertently plugged into that global disease. It apparently stopped after some years of going on.

Later, of course, I learned about the filthy pig whore and pimp cultist prostitute harlots who have been stalking my family with their filth about reincarnation and other diabolical putrid “beliefs.” It then clicked to me that the dirty pimps were getting their rocks off with my mother, psychically, and rationalizing that they (and I want to vomit as I type this) are “reincarnated” of either my dad or others “entitled to intimacy,” to put it politely. The fact that my mother has been used and abused in this way means that whatever dreadful secular things she has done will be canceled out by the Lord, and punishment she would have received will be added on to the filth sins of the occultists who abused her.

So I thought I’d share with my readers my full awareness and realization of what has been going on. Oh, and don’t forget, God knows and judges everything all along. I sure don’t need to know in order for HIM to know.

And for those perverts so interested in my dad. He’s in heaven, he’s not in communication with anyone alive, and he’s actually in a very “low key” role in heaven, entirely to his personality and satisfaction. He certainly is not fantasizing about sticking it into my mother, or yelling at her. And neither is anyone else in heaven because as I’ve repeatedly admonished you, the dead remain dead in their place of repose (heaven) or eternal punishment (thrust in hell). My dad’s in a very low key part of heaven and doing just fine, “Thanks ever so much for your interest,” now sod off and get on your knees and pray that you can still save yourselves from the cultist filth.