Monday, July 14, 2008

Earth could easily support twice the population

I'm sick of hearing people be anti-life and anti-baby and using existing poverty and environmental degradation as their sickening excuses.

If people lived charitably and were "their brother's keeper," there would be a dramatic reduction in poverty and an improvement in environmental quality right here and now. It would take me about a week to draw up the plan how it could be done, I mean, duh.

Further, the technology and knowledge exists in order to produce food and shelter in abundance that could feed and house and yes, promote a cleaner, not a more degraded, environment if people actually gave a rat's ass to do so, even if the population doubled.

But the money, the willpower, the morals and the know how are being pissed off in other directions and it has been an unbelievable waste, collectively and individually.

Sheesh, I'm so sick of people who want to deny life to other people just because they can't get off their pimply spotted asses (either literally or mentally) long enough to be both charitable AND intelligent.
