Thursday, July 24, 2008

Here is another prayer I have written

A Prayer for the Man or Woman in Modern Times

Dear Lord Jesus,
Help me to recognize the bread that you provide. Help me to learn how to ask only for what is good for me and only that which is pleasing to God. Help me to be like St. Peter, who stepped onto the water in belief of you, who in moment of fear had to grasp your hand. Help me to see others as you see them, and love them for your Name’s sake. Help me to know the One God who sent you and, like you, to always serve His will. Help me to only pick up a stone to be used to build a temple of truth to you, and never to harm the innocent. Help my ears to always hear you, the voice of the Good Shepherd. Help me to never block the light of others who seek you in the Kingdom of God. Help me to learn at first reflex to turn to you for guidance in times of trouble and fear. And help me to help others to find you, in your Name and to the greater glory of God. Amen.

Written July 24, 2008. Written with modern youth and their challenges in mind, but also for everyone who lives within the challenges of these modern times. My words, but inspired after reading how personally St. John explains in his Gospel some of the teachings and actions of Jesus.

Those of you who Photoshop or are otherwise talented, and are inclined to make a prayer card, a picture of Jesus reaching out for the wallowing Peter in the water would be great! :-)