Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More about heaven

Believe me, I'm even more tired than you are of listening to me or reading my posts that are continually fire and brimstone. They must be, unfortunately, the top priority since so many have been unbelievably lax in recognizing the horrible situation that humanity is in, one sinner at a time, one broken social group at a time. However, when I think of things that I can post that are of the glory of God and the love that we all should be focused on, I do so.

So I know a lot of people wonder "what heaven is like" and I've blogged about this before. But there is a very simple visualization that people need to have in order to see heaven correctly right from the start, when they ponder what it must be like. People tend to imagine heaven with angels and adult family members; that is the first image that pops into mind. But by far the overwhelming presence that one has in "mainstream" heaven (the part not directly in front of the throne of God) is that heaven is packed with babies.

Heaven is absolutely filled from "top to bottom" (just to give you human visualization) with babies and children. So one has the impression of far more about millions of infants than one does of adults, per se. Remember that every pre-born baby, born baby, infant and child that dies is in heaven. So just to give you a mental exercise, imagine all the children that are aborted, are born but who die of some illness or tragedy, children who die in illness or accident, children who die of illness or poverty around the world each year, all of them pour into heaven and have done so since the beginning of time. This is why Jesus was being both allegorical and factual when he said that heaven belongs to the children. Notice he did not say "believers," since how can an infant believe? In fact, infants all believe since each is born with a soul and each has a guardian angel. God would hardly give guardian angels to every human if the human was discriminated against at birth as being "future believer" or "future not believer." So Jesus made sure to explain that far from being dismissive toward children, the Apostles and disciples must realize that children are the natural heirs of heaven. If they die as children, they go home to heaven since their angels "constantly face God," as Jesus explained. So when you read in the news an article such as the one I read about several million children dying of poverty in India each year (yikes, when ARE they going to spend some of their prosperity on their own children?) the only consolation we have is knowing that every child throughout the ages has gone to heaven if they die as a pre-born, born baby or young child. This, by the way, does not mean that a parent can kill their child and go, "Ah, I am sending them to heaven." Yes, THEY will go to heaven but YOU most assuredly will not! I'm not making an abortion statement here, but I am talking about those who kill children out of desparation, poverty, etc. It is better to try to give the child to a religious charity than to kill it, and thus doom your own soul. Not to get fire and brimstone in an otherwise lovely topic, but I have learned the hard way that marginal believers and cultists look for weasel words in what I say in order to find "wiggle room" for their bad and sinful behavior and base instincts, and so I must always be precise and cautionary about valid conclusions to draw from what I say to you all.

Therefore, one must imagine heaven as having in it every pre-born, born infant and child within. This is why you see in inspired paintings cherubs as being kind of like winged heads. Notice this with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. So rather than imagining all one's adult relatives standing around among clouds, one must start with the realization that heaven is alive with uncountable angels and many, many, many millions of infants and children who perished as infants, pre-born or born, and as youngsters. So if you are the type to be annoyed being around a crying baby, well, it's not like babies cry in heaven (they are in bliss), but baby haters might have a difficult time getting to heaven, if you get my drift. I'm being a little of the subversive humor, but I am also sharing a "tip for the wise." People might have a better chance of living good lives and becoming sane again if they realize that heaven is the heritage and the home of every baby and child that died as such and think about that a little more. That's why it is in the Gospel. I hope this helps!