Thursday, August 28, 2008

Understanding the unthinkable, child sex abuse

I see that pervert has been sentenced in San Francisco. I have very fierce feelings and absolutely no sympathy for viewers or purveyors of child porn, say nothing of the people who actually perform these acts on children. I've written about this topic before, but because it is such a complex topic plus many people today lack some basic understandings of human and animal nature, I try to identify building blocks of topics with which I can raise your consciousness and intellectual discernment. So here is another component to the unthinkable but ever growing problem of child sex abuse (and by abuse I include porn, because there is a continuing victim, "a crime scene" behind every photo, its trading, purchase and viewing).

Everyone with an education pretty much understands that humans belong to the evolved animal kingdom. In other words, humans came about through evolution just as did the animals, and that human ancestors were indeed animals (mammals). A mammal is an animal that gives birth to live young who are dependent on the mother for milk. So humans in their present form came into being as they evolved from early mammalian animals that branched into primates (the apes, monkeys and humans). Thus humans lived, evolved and grew under "animal rules" of life for all of their existence until they became aware and developed the intellect and ability to manage life and create civilizations. That, however, is a "recent" development on the scale of how long proto-human life has existed. So humans were living like animals, since they were still of the animals, for millions of years, until a time that is hard to define but definitely within only tens of thousands of years ago.

So how did sexual desire and reproduction evolve and function in the animal kingdom? Basically only behavior that was "pro life" and biased toward successful bearing of young and raising of them in the environmental setting was allowed to exist. There is a great check and balance within how life in general operates. For example, if animals run out of food that they can forage for, they die. If a population of animals becomes so small that a mate cannot be found, then no young are born, and eventually the population dies out. This has happened millions of time through the history of life on earth. Different species of animals come into being, thrive for a while, evolve, and either have successful descendants or die out in entirety.

Sex is not done for pleasure among animals, and it is a highly regulated activity. "Sexual attraction" means that an animal receives a cue from an animal of its opposite sex that it is "in heat," called estrus, which means it is capable of bearing young at that time. The form of cues have evolved and they involve everything from scent to certain display behaviors. Thus even elaborate courtship rituals and displays are not intimate or sexual, but are part of the signaling of being prepared to be a mate with the result being successful birthing of young. Animals tend to focus their intimacy in other ways than estrus based sex (which may happen as rarely as once a year for a minute, depending on the breeding cycle of the animal... the pandas are an example of the rarity of a sexual encounter and its matter of fact nature). Instead of utilizing sex, for which they have no drive unless they are in estrus, animals share intimacy through other actions such as grooming, nurturing of the young, and play. Another example is the living of some species in extended clans, colonies and pods, where the collective communion of their group living is, in a sense, an intimacy of familial and species connection. So sexual intimacy is virtually unheard of in the animal kingdom.

Now here we can show the first example of what would happen if a "child pervert" mutation sprang up in a given animal. Suppose a defective gene caused an animal to suddenly "view" pups in a "sexually available" way. That individual and defective gene would die out and have no possibility of being passed on to a future generation. Why? Well, think it through, it is obvious. First, the defective animal would signal willingness to mate with the pup, but receive no corresponding signal in return. Second, the parent of the pup would chase off and kill the defective animal, not because of "morals," but because adults who hang around pups usually want to kill them as prey. Polar bears are an obvious example of where mothers must keep their cubs away from any and all adult male bears, since pups are just viewed as potential food. Third, let's imagine in order to help you think through the human example of the child pervert that the defective animal is able to "molest" the pup. Well, obviously since the pup is not sexually mature, no offspring result and the defective gene of child perversion dies along with the individual who has the gene whenever that animal reaches its demise. This is why there is no "child pervert" attraction in animals except in individuals that have become environmentally or genetically dysfunctional.

So any animal behavior that one may observe that is latched onto as "an example of sexual attraction to the young in the animal kingdom" is fallacious. Why? Again, think about it. As I explained, if there is a genetic defect in the wild, it does not get passed on because it cannot be passed on either physically or "culturally." It dies with the unsuccessful mating of the defective adult. Anything you see today is in the zoo. Now, the zoo is a totally artificial environment that does not recreate, no matter how expansive or cleverly designed, the conditions of the wild. Let's use the pandas as an example. In the wild pandas can go for a year without even seeing another panda. They may occasionally encounter the scent of another (and that is one of the ways they can determine the once a year sexual receptivity of a potential mate, by "smelling" that the female is receptive because she is in heat and can produce an egg for fertilization).

In a zoo, think about it. Even if the animals are in separate cages they hear and smell each other constantly. So false clues and "cues" of sexual receptivity (or not!) are constantly emitted and received. How do we know that pandas, in this example, maintain their ability to distinguish between the scent of a receptive female from one that is not when they are constantly exposed to the cumulative effect every day of the year? I'm not making a scientific statement, but I am teaching you how to think this through: what differs between the zoo conditions and the wild? So you can see examples either way, again, just using pandas as an example, even though this isn't what actually happens with them. Two pandas may, through smelling each other constantly AND through their scent accumulating year round in both of their quarters, may not be able to distinguish genuine estrus time or not. So if someone observed "inappropriate" sexual "attraction" it is almost certainly due to the confusion of cues and the constant unnatural close confinement. An adult animal rubbing against a pup in such a situation is not "reinforcement" that "loving children is natural" for the perverts who scan animals and look to justify themselves. Any sexual behavior that is not the norm is the result of unnatural breeding conditions with the reinforcement of false and inappropriate cues.

And that is what has happened to humans, which is why there is such a high rate of perversion and why it is so tolerated in this society. Humans have smeared themselves with constant sexual cuing. They have taken what evolved to be a wonderful gift of pleasure that is meant to bind the family unit of adults to be able to bear children on a monthly basis (and thus there is really no estrus period for humans, as they are always sexually available once they are adults in their reproductive development) and made it into a self created zoo where totally inappropriate cues for inappropriate sexual activity and attraction are not only shared but actually forced upon society as a whole. This is why a growing portion of humans have become child perverts and I cannot begin to tell you how dangerous this de-volution (yes, not evolution, but dissolving of evolution as in devolution) is to all of humanity. Humans have broken away from natural and balanced behavior and cues and instead have unleashed a totally mutated society that reinforces false and wrong cues.

Women especially must bear a lot of guilt. They should have known better when they themselves suffered from being raped, and the charges dismissed because the cops or the judge thought "you asked for it because you dressed provocatively." Yet you buy products, including media, that provide visual cues that children, even babies, are "available" sexually. I cannot express how disappointed I am with women. It's one thing to totally sexualize adult society, and that is bad enough because it breaks down the sense of a cyclical availability of sex and thus a mind set of self restraint in a male. But women have by allowing themselves to be sexualized have made it so that the average male is surrounded by sexual cues so that the "obtaining of sex" is constantly on the mind of many men. (And increasingly women as they become child molesters too). Animal pups and young do not give off sexual cues except when they become adults and are ready to mate. Humans never used to seek out imaginary sexual cues from infants and children until they became saturated in sex and vice cues and stimulation and the penalty for such behavior does not scare them into stopping. The animal equivalent is the mother polar bear who would rip the head off of a defective young male polar bear who sought out her cubs (for any reason). Defective sexual interest in human "pups" is often undetected, is constantly reinforced and pandered through media, porn and sexualized society, and the danger of child porn has been underestimated until very recently. I'm not saying to kill everyone who views child porn (though wearing my biologist hat I have to tell you that it would be the way nature would work if humans were still part of nature). But I am explaining to you that there is absolutely no biological, spiritual or moral justification for child perversion, porn and molestation. You can now see more clearly why that is as I have stepped you through "how life really works" and the example of the problem of promoting false cues in the compressed and unnatural society that much of the world has now become.

I hope you find this helpful and if so, I will write more on this topic. This example, I think, is a very important start, especially for you young people who are readers of this blog, to put together the pieces and perspective of how society has gotten into the very dangerous mess that it is in today.