Sunday, August 17, 2008

Interpreting subversive language

I'm sorry to bring up what is going to be a crude topic. But so much of our society has become crude that I need to teach this to help people regain discernment in their hearing and comprehension.

When I was in college the word "s***" became very commonplace. But when people started using it, it did not refer to the actual bodily function of defecation, obviously. I say obviously, but I've learned that things that used to be obvious are no longer obvious as people's common sense become diminished and their promotion of hidden agendas (especially if it involves lust) increases.

Likewise the word "f***" became very commonplace. But when people started using it in phrases, it did not refer to crude sexual intimacy of intercourse.

So what did they mean? "S***" was a catch all expression that referred to output in general or garbage. An example of the first definition is that people might say to someone who is moving "get your s***" where they might have used to say in slang "get your stuff" which used to be said as "get your things." So "s***" referred to things or possessions, with an implication of a bit of disorganization (like the stuff is scattered). An example of it meaning garbage was the classic "he's full of s***," referring to the person as being a windbag of low credibility. Obviously in neither case was the slang use of s*** referring to actual poo poo.

The use of "f***" became even more complex. It came to mean both satisfaction AND lack of satisfaction. For example, "That's f***ing great" as in praise, or "No f***ing way" as in rejection (and eventually that became said in a disbelief of admiration as in exclaiming at hearing incredible news "No f***ing way!!"). For that reason it became a word of emphasis rather than sexuality. So someone said "Get the f*** out of here" as a way to emphasis that there is absolutely no pleasure (not sexual) in the person being around. There was a range of vocal tones used to be precise. If the person is screaming it (and grabbing a gun) it is a bad thing to hear "Get the f*** out of here" and it's a good idea to scram (to use a classic 1940's-50's expression!) However, if said mildly it is a way to express disbelief, as in "No f***ing way, get the f*** out of here.")

So both f*** and s*** became adjectives and adverbs totally separate from their original defecating and intercourse slang meaning. I can best describe it as saying they went from being slang to "slang of slang." They achieved a secondary level of being slang.

These word evolutions of expression occurred in conjunction with a huge increase in bottled up societal frustration coupled with situations that totally lack nuance. This was during the Vietnam War era when there was tremendous discontent and social fracturing. Additionally, as people wanted more white collar and academic jobs, well, they got them, but they also got into what would become the pressure cooker of the workplace treadmill. They rebelled against paternalistic workplaces and got cut throat "performance oriented" workplaces instead. People will come to regret that, by the way. The mighty have not fallen yet, but they will, and they will regret the impersonalizing and meanness that overtook the workplace (and schools in a way).

So swearing was often the only venting that people had in a society where the clever turn of phrase with subtle wit and good humor had no meaning or place. And you can imagine how I felt as I saw people turn against God and become demonic maniac perverts killing babies and taking drugs right and left, while kicking the average Joe and Mary to the curb. Thus I had my own reason for using both of those expressions! But I also well understood why so many people of that era also swore, using those terms.

My ex-husband and I often used the expression "f*** s***." So now you can understand what that meant. It meant a situation where it was totally hopeless and pointless. For example, "He does not understand f*** s***" would mean that the person understands neither the emotion or the stuff of a situation. A more up to date variation is "She doesn't understand jack s***." Jack is from the old expression "jack of all trades." To be a jack of all trades meant to have some basic knowledge but not comprehensive expertise, as in the expression "She is a jack of all trades, but master of none." The fact that "jack" also eventually was used in slang to mean a self gratifying sexual act by a man has nothing to do with intimacy; it was a nod to that definition I've just provided, which is "inexpert" "knowledge" now meaning an, um, singular quick act of, you know, "jacking off." But to say "She doesn't understand jack" or "jack s***" meant that she doesn't even have the knowledge of the proverbial "jack of all trades, master of none."

Thus "f*** s***" was used to mean a totally futile situation. The situation lacked both serious content and serious emotional satisfaction. I can safely say that much of the 1980's in western society was "f*** s***."

Now, here comes the crude part. Imagine my surprise that cultists who consider themselves all scholarly, erudite and "spiritual" would (I guess because of excess drug use and drinking) not remember the societal and linguistic evolution that are the context that I just described. They had their noses so much in dope and astrology charts that their hearing actually was warped. So, and here I wish I was kidding, when they spied and overheard me and others using expressions of total frustration as "f*** s***" they imagined that to be code words for approval of, well, anal and defecating sex. I kid you not. These are the same people who dissolve in giggling and tears of doom over "Uranus" because it has the word "anus" in it.

So my point is to explain to you one example of how subversive language is intended for "good" (even though it is coarse) but if one is impaired in one's understanding, then it becomes a smoky mirror for depraved thoughts and the listener never understands the speaker. Cussing was very much a means of venting during very difficult and revolutionary times. Like it or not it was something that many people did, including myself, in totally untenable situations. Later it became a very problematic exploitative use of speech (witness rap) where it is not spontaneously generated by the frustration of the times, as it was for us older folks, but marketed and promoted to vulnerable and imitating kids in order to sell product and stuff bank accounts. But even worse, with the strange cultist double talk mindset that has really made reality out of reach of a lot of people, it is impossible to speak without having phrases even those with a clear legacy that can be studied and documented be totally misunderstood and worse, twisted and distorted as some sort of "playing the tape backwards" diabolical "code" to people who have lost their minds to that kind of thinking. Thus there are actually insane people who think that "f*** s***" was some sort of Good Housekeeping Seal for sexual acts with either piles of poo or the place where poo comes from.

I will end this comment with leaving the reader to imagine what has been going on "behind the scenes" as cultists have willfully misunderstood and made depraved interpretations of just about everything that anyone says, and that is without the extra level of insane evil from anagrams and other diabolical devices to twist words into depraved meanings.