Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inappropriate child "sex education"

I just heard that there is some sort of law allowing Kindergarten level teachers to “give a clinically correct answer” to the theoretical question if a five or six year old child asks “Where do babies come from?” Argh! What incredible morons modern people have become! (And when I use the term moron I am not disrespecting the developmentally disabled because, um, that’s what I actually call people, developmentally disabled, being compassionate I have never called them morons in the first place. Thus I have always reserved the term moron for incredibly willful stupid people who ought to know better). Anyway, here is the problem with this “law.”

Modern humans have somehow forgotten so much of basic biology and infant/child development that I truly despair. Remember that not so long ago I had to blog to explain that one reason that babies cry when their diapers are being changed is that the cold air striking the wet part of their bodies actually hurts their sensitive skin. Anyone human knew that a mere forty years ago, including young brothers and sisters who were children themselves. Yet somehow we have raised a narcissistic generation or two that are too foolish to even understand the basics about infant and child biology and development. The “asking where babies comes from” is exactly the same problem. People worked out what the proper response was decades ago because they understood a child’s mind at that age if they ask that question.

When a child asks that question at that age they do NOT want a clinical and detailed answer! There were many studies showing that providing a child with too much detail in answer to that question is disturbing to them. By study I do not mean lab rats or highly paid liberals in universities who “test” in false conditions. We had this marvelous resource called pediatricians (who were the lowest paid of the doctors at that time so they were truly in the profession for love of children) and parents who shared anecdotal information that was considered to be filled with valuable knowledge. Here is what the previous generations of parents and pediatricians used to know.

When a child at that age asks “Where do babies come from?” they want a one sentence answer that gives the category of reference, not the details. Here is an example. If a five year old child asked their mom, “where is the milk” the mom answers “in the refrigerator.” The mom does not answer, “The milk is in the refrigerator. Did you know that milk comes from cows? Farmers squeeze the teats of cows every day so the milk squirts out and then we put it in a bottle and here it is in our refrigerator to drink!” But this is how narcissistic that modern liberal adults have become, that they think that children are miniature versions of adults that want to know the nuts and bolts of things. Children aren’t READY to hear the nuts and bolts! It scares them because they have no adult frame of reference for the implications of hearing the nuts and bolts, since those details are also still mysterious and strange and somewhat scary to a young child. Sheesh. The image of the “precocious” wise cracking smart mouth child who talks like a smart ass mini-adult is a total Hollywood invention, and one of the most destructive (of many) that they have shoveled into the minds and down the throats of this depraved and warped society. SHEESH!!
Only a parent knows at what level of understanding is their child, and how to best deliver the “one liner” response that is all the child expects. At that age the child wants to know only what they are actually asking, which is “where do they come from?” Good answers depending on the age: They come from mommy and daddy when they decide it is a good time to have another baby. Mommy and daddy know how to make a baby. The child at that age is asking “where” not “how.” The child is thus able to eliminate in their mind the other possible places that babies might come from. When they ask “where” they really mean “where.”

I remember reading many books and articles on this subject when I was young and that is what the common wisdom based on pediatricians and parents ACTUALLY UNDERSTANDING children instead of distorting them into something that they are not, and frightening them as a result. This is why the answer to that question at that age must come from the parent or caregiver. They have the frame of reference to understand the context to answer the “where,” such as, for example, if the child asking has brothers and sisters. The parent can then use them as an example and say, “Mommy and daddy decided they wanted a baby so they made your brother so and so and now he’s grown up to be such and such years old.” For the vast majority of children (who have not been raised as freak show society tarts and sex toys from infancy) THAT is the right level of answer. Studies show that kids will think about that and at some point will come back (often months or years later) with follow up questions. It is this freak show society that is forgetting normal and SAFE child development and instead distorting their perception of children so that you all think they are digging for “the details” when they are just in their minds trying to sort out whether babies come from hospitals, stores, God, the stork or whatever. When they ask “where” they MEAN where, only in the most general terms. Parents or the primary caregivers (grandparents for example if parents are “unavailable,” you know, like being drug addicts or in jail or something) must be the ones to answer, NOT teachers who cram agenda down the throats of even the youngest and most vulnerable in our society.

If a child asks a teacher the teacher should send the child home with a note that notifies the parent that the child has asked this question and offering suggestions (pediatrician and so forth) if the parent has trouble answering. PERIOD.

My young readers, you have no idea how much you have been screwed. Your “parents” and the institutions “schools, government, agencies” had destroyed much of the common sense kind and tender knowledge that generations of parents had available to them about how to nurture a child’s development in a healthy and truly “age appropriate” (to use one of their favorite words) way. I hope that what I write as it comes to my attention through the media (since no one yet actually speaks to me or asks me those questions) is useful to you. *Hugs for those who have had to grow up in this depraved and moronic society with its lack of common sense and values.*