Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bishop saved household money to build hospital

Still researching, and came across this. I mention it because one of the favorite ignorant loud mouth accusations against the Catholic Church is that her bishops live large on the hog. Actually, throughout the centuries, bishops, and even Popes, have been known to live very austerely, and with the money they save on household expenses (including the basics of food and fuel for heat and light) have done great things.

A specific example is St. John Chrysostom, who lived from 347-407 AD. In the book I am reading it states "As for himself, St. John built a great hospital with the money he had saved on household expenses in his first year as bishop."

Now, people are going to say mean and ignorant things no matter what the truth may be. But I wanted to remind faithful readers that there is a several thousand year history of severe "budgeting" and sacrifice by not only those who minister to the poor, but indeed bishops and Popes who scrimped and lived in privation in order to donate what they had to great causes for the needy. So like me you can ignore the mean mouths who predictably comment on news stories that mention the Catholic Church how fat and rich everyone is, since that's far from true, and in fact, is the opposite of one of the longest traditions of individuals scrimping on basics in order to feed the poor, build hospitals and establish charitable foundations with their "saved household money." And no, it's not because they got a large expense account; they often went without food, candles for lighting, or wood for heating.