Sunday, August 3, 2008

Insight about St. Paul, thought for the day

St. Paul was an extremely tough man, make no mistake about it. But he would have a heart attack and die on the spot, and I'm only slightly exaggerating, if he walked down the sales aisle of any store, looking at the covers of video games and DVD's. I'm not talking about the sex, though obviously he would disapprove and immediately see the crisis in the world of pornography and faithlessness.

No, I mean the violence of "adventure," "science fiction," and "fantasy" titles that show demonic figures and horrible leering monstrosities that equally freak show "heroes" are battling. St. Paul, the real St. Paul, would instantly recognize that humanity has bartered much of their mental and soul "shelf space" to demonic content. I am not exaggerating at all to say it would strike him down in dismay and horror. I myself am unable to look at the covers of DVD's and video games when I go to Wal-mart or any other store. When a pop up on the computer produces such an image (as happens on AOL for example) I feel a physical strickening of pain and weakness in my heart. It is truly demonic and more horrifying because it is human "conceived" and produced, and not Satan's work. I cannot bear what is in many human's "minds" and what pours from their hands in the "media and entertainment business." It would absolutely strike down St. Paul in horror.