Regarding Hitler and his dispensation to hell. Yes, this is going to be one of my informative but definitely increasingly irate posts.
I cannot believe that I have to explain this to people (how many times have I said and thought that sentiment) but it is obvious that misunderstanding only increases over time rather than clarity and sane reasoning with understanding of God’s will prevail.
Hitler was a bad man. Hitler is dead. Hitler is in hell.
OK? Is that simple enough for you? Actually, I’ve come to observe through my study of the cultists and the secular society that those statements are not enough for modern “magical thinking” pea brains to understand. Part of me is sympathetic in understanding one aspect of the confusion, and that is that I realize that because of the enormity of the Holocaust, it is difficult to grasp on a spiritual level. So I’m not mocking or discouraging talk about how the Holocaust essentially sealed Hitler’s doom and Hitler as an incredible study in evil. But notice what I said: the Holocaust sealed his doom. Yes, you read correctly that he had already merited hell before the Holocaust. Hitler's not still "hanging around." This is what it is important for you all to understand if you have ANY hope of sanity and of saving your own souls not only that Hitler has long ago gotten his final judgment and doom, but also exactly why and when he triggered this doom. In other words, what does God judge in someone like Hitler?
Here it is in summary:
Anyone who knows God exists, and defies him, his commandments and laws, AND leads others away from their belief in God merits and will find themselves in hell. That alone is quite enough.
This, incidentally, is why Henry VIII, jolly old guy as he was, "merits" hell. I’m not saying he is there or not because only God will say that. I do speak on authority from the Holy Spirit about Hitler today, though, because of the gravity of human error and warped discussion that affects salvation of people alive today.
However, I mention Henry VIII to reiterate two points: 1. he meets the "he is dead" judgment decision point and 2. that he "merits" hell (he knew God existed, he defied him and he lead others away from the faith).
Interestingly I do not mean Henry VIII’s defiance of Rome and Papal authority, wrong as that was. I mean, quite simply, the destruction of the monasteries and places of worship, and the outright killing of priests, friars and other of the faithful. THAT is what "merits" Henry VIII hell (and let me repeat, God has rendered judgment on him at his death; there is no stupid or intelligent reincarnation at all, whatsoever).
So this is what you must understand about Hitler. Hitler knew that God exists not only because of his exposure to the faith as a child but because he had the nerve, even after rejecting God and the institutional church, to invoke God’s name and intentions on occasion. What more proof does anyone need of a person who KNOWS God exists because even as he defies him he invokes him claiming, for example, that God has a purpose for him?? This observation ought to make all of YOU think long and hard. Hitler is no different than someone who has been raised or otherwise exposed to the faith and the reality of God (who can miss it in this day and age, unless one is raised in a basement as a prisoner) who then denies God as God has chosen to present himself and yet invoke something about God when it suits him or her to do so. So that is the first of the dooming criteria for hell. He was raised to know and believe in God, he rejected and defied God, yet he also invoked God on occasion for his evil purposes. (Kind of like atheists who make money off of God, but that is another story!)
So knowing that God exists, rejecting him, and yet invoking some of his power and authority as your own are the two things that put a person on a certain track to hell. That is violation of the first Two Commandments, and there is nothing more fundamentally dangerous than that to do. However, when you set a public example for your manipulative disbelief/belief then you compound it enormously because now you lead others to break the first Two Commandments. Hitler closed down religious institutions, persecuted not only priests and other consecrated religious but also the faithful themselves. He imposed a pagan state cult on the people and children were raised in this cult. If Hitler had stopped “there” and had done “nothing else,” including the Holocaust, he would have nonetheless without question been put into hell at his death.
I know how humans think, and that is not a joyful capability, believe me. So I know that some people are feeling actually a disappointment reading this, because they feel like I am implying that committing the Holocaust was somehow “optional” and "additonal" to Hitler’s already being on the evil path to damnation, not the pivotal reason. But yes, that is correct, and as hard to understand as that is, you should upon contemplation have greater faith and understanding of God, not lesser. I know this is confusing so let me be plainer. Hitler already was headed to hell even before he executed the entire Holocaust due to his actions prior.
Suppose we could rewrite history, as I outlined above, where Hitler “only” knew of God, denied him, and then imposed the cult belief, suppressing all religions, and killed the rabbis, burned the synagogues, but let the Jews live under the pagan German government. Aren’t you glad and understanding of God’s justice to know that “that alone” would have merited Hitler’s eternal damnation in hell? To put it more plainly, if Hitler had taken the ability to practice the Jewish faith away from the people under his control, but let the Jews live, he would have already merited hell, for certain.
Millions of people “did not have to die” in order to assure today’s public consciousness that Hitler merited, and got, hell. Jesus and ALL of the prophets, both in the Old Testament and New, plus the Qur’an reiterate that denial of God when one has the opportunity to know of his reality AND leading others from the faith, especially if holy and pious leaders are slain, are anathema, abomination and most certainly the direct route to hell.
This understanding, which is totally accurate and crystal clear, ought to make cult and secular leaders very nervous today. You don’t need “a Holocaust” to virtually guarantee yourself hell if you do the things that I have outlined above, either by the gun and sword OR BY THE PEN OR COMPUTER.
So why did Hitler survive so long, and why were so many people killed?
God in his mercy does not oversee human events that they do to each other with the intention of weeding out bad people by smiting them “early on” in their evil career. Honestly, God might as well get rid of the entire human race, then. Why? Because if you as humans cannot recognize evil in your midst and DEAL with it promptly YOURSELVES then why are you even alive?
Look at how much argument took place among humans, and what subterfuge Roosevelt had to use, to even get people involved in hindering Hitler in the early days! Many people dragged their feet, and all governments were complicit in complacency, if nothing else. The railroad tracks to the concentration camps were not bombed, which would have greatly hindered the Holocaust. Refugees were turned away. Those people, who did help surreptitiously, such as the Pope, are vilified by spineless publicity seekers today who only seek to second hand guess what they themselves would have pissed in their own pants if they had to defy Hitler as real people did everyday.
The Americans eventually had to pull all the weight on a two front war. If humans cannot make intelligent and merciful decisions about how to deal with a God denying mass murderer in their midst, how can you say you are entitled to life or existence at all? So God does not “weed out” the “bad guys” for you, because that is life by definition, learning how to live it and abide in God’s commandments, and dealing with those who don’t and who murder others.
The Holocaust happened simply because it became the measure of how far humanity’s indifference and outright inhumanity will extend. It’s like the levels of the ocean rising when icebergs melt (to use an example not because it is prophecy but because it is a popular topic). The ocean would rise only so far as the volume of melting ice will allow it to, because once the ice is completely melted there is no more frozen water to add to the ocean and thus it stops rising. That is the Holocaust, where it simply was a matter of “how much is too much” for humanity’s own consciousness and ability to act in defense of both the neighbor and the innocent stranger in another country.
So God certainly wasn’t “sitting out there” on a cloud “allowing the Holocaust” to happen. He was watching with dismay and grief, but in his infinite knowledge and wisdom, no surprise, how far humans will let the ocean of an evil rise before they stop it.
Reading some mystical significance into the predominance of Jews in the Holocaust is wrong, at least from God’s point of view. Killing ANYONE is wrong, and certainly for their faith, ANY faith in God that is persecuted is martyrdom, and there are not either bonus points, or demerits, if one is Jewish and a martyr.
It is outrageous how motives have been impugned to God regarding the Jewish component of the Holocaust. That is like saying he “chose” ice to melt in global warming. I mean, duh? What would melt beside ice when the evil of man, to use this natural analogy, caused global warming? So when a pagan state is imposed the pious are killed and melted, regardless of their faith, Jewish or not. Humans use it as an excuse to seize properties, try to find a way to rationalize the killing of Jews and so forth, but that is not it, in the bottom line. The bottom line is that Jews, for the most part, were a community that would have resisted a pagan government that destroyed their ability to practice their faith, destroyed their synagogues and killed their rabbis.
I rest my case and explanation with the obvious example, which is Rwanda. In a matter of DAYS hundreds of thousands were hacked to pieces and no one did anything. The USA could have flown Marines into Rwanda and shot dead the leaders of the mobs and put an end to that massacre in a New York minute.
Why did that “Holocaust” happen if oh so wise humans have “learned their lesson” from the Holocaust itself? Who cared about Rwanda? Apparently years later movie makers did, but not so much when it happened. Humans STILL need to learn how to, um, you know, identify God defying people who slaughter their own people and stop it on the spot, whether “your ox is being gored” or not. (In other words, even if there is not a “national interest.”) Hell, I think the Israeli army should have flown in and shot a few of the leaders of the Rwandan massacre, and said “Never again” on the behalf of a helpless populace humanity who did not share their skin color, their origins or their faith, nor had a national interest.
This, by the way, is one of the things I will always be interested in asking Bill Clinton, former USA President, about. The first DAY it was happening I was raging at the TV in my mind thinking “Do something; send in the marines, you foolish idiots!”
And where do you think the Rwandan who killed “only one” person versus the one who killed hundreds, or thousands at his or her behest will go? It’s hell regardless if it was one person or many.
So yes, keep discussing the moralities of what happened during the reign of Hitler, because obviously it is a deep wound in humanity that is not well understood. But please stop with the stupid “Hitler is reincarnated” or “Hitler had a special purpose from God” crap. Thinking like that keeps blots in human viability and further existence like Cambodia under Pol Pot, Rwanda and other genocidal pits of human’s own making going and going with no increase in comprehension.
The only “special purpose” anyone and everyone, including Hitler, had or has is to repent, return to God and make amends, and that door is open only when one is alive, and before God hardens his heart and removes the opportunities for repentance.
Hitler, like all humans, could have repented and had a SINCERE and TOTAL conversion up until the end of his last hour of life.
In his lifelong evil and madness, he probably confused the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who speaks to all, urging them to repent and convert as proof of “his special purpose.” People like him feel a touch of the numinous from God seeking their return to good ways and instead impugn their own "psychic" powers to that touch.
This is why there is an institutional church, by the way, so people don’t run around “hearing their own personal revelation” and having a terrible distortion as Hitler did, and as SO MANY do today. People have enough trouble with “hearing voices” that come from drug abuse or mental disorder that they don’t need equally psycho people interpreting “purpose from God” on top of their delusion.
It’s sure hot and unpleasant, more than you can imagine, in hell. Pray, repent and convert before you join the many others who have found out with no chance out because they threw away and flaunted God to his face. The reason I am so mad is that I know darn well that some people manipulate Hitler "study" in occult ways to either claim he is reincarnated or to mislead Jews regarding why "God let it happen." I hope that what I wrote above, extremely irate as it is, because I am so sick of the wasted time and souls, is helpful.