For most of my life, starting with my earliest days, I was known for having very pale and pure complexion. It was often called skin like "alabaster." Sometimes doctors worried I was anemic (I wasn't) because I was so pale and translucent. Oddly, though, in the past few years, I have such a ruddy and reddish facial irritation, especially around the whole outline of my face into the hair line. It's so strange and unlike my normal state of health that if I was paranoid I'd almost think someone was rubbing red pepper into a doll made to look like me, LOL. St. Rose of Lima was known for doing that as a mortification (rubbing her face with red pepper and lye) but that's totally not my thing. She covered that sacrifice once and for all for everyone, and that was uniquely her calling. I'd kind of like my alabaster face back, thank you very much!
Incidentally, alabaster is mentioned in the Gospels because it was from an alabaster box (jar) that the woman of Bethany poured the perfumed oil for Jesus. Matthew 26:7, Mark 14:3, Luke 7:37. Since I proclaim the sweet words of the Lord, that really is much more consistent with how my face out to be appearing! The red rash and open wounds are really becoming tiresome and distracting. It puts my guardian angel in a really bad mood too, on my behalf.