Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Great set bought from Ignatius Press

I just received a shipment of books from Ignatius Press, and highly recommend them. Their quality is already known and obvious to those of us in the Roman Catholic faith, but I wanted to blog about them as a great resource for other people who might want to purchase a great book about the faith. Books can be ordered from their web site.

I bought the four volume "The Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers: A Manual of Preaching, Spiritual Reading and Meditation" translated and edited by M. F. Toal, D.D. I love this publication! It is a collection of the week by week Sunday sermons of many of the Church Doctors, Early Fathers, and Great Fathers of the Catholic Church. For example, this past Sunday was the 21st Sunday after Pentecost and there are readings by St. Basil the Great ("Against the Angry" how interesting and timely lol), St. John Chrysostom ("Homily on the Servant Who Owed") and St. Ephraim ("On Calumny and Oppression"). Each Sunday also has the accompanying appropriate exposition from the Catena Aurea of St. Thomas. Each page of these books is like a banquet.