A few more reflections and thoughts on what I have just posted on my blog, because I realize that I have stirred up some interesting thoughts and hopefully shed some light on God's blessed plan and goodness. There is not the conflict that people think there is, and I hope to continue to narrow the gaps that have wrongly divided faith in the one God.
Reading what I have just posted, many of you must now be opening eyes to realize that the infidels that the Qur'an exhorts against are those that do not believe in the one God and who are pagans. Allah did not intend for the children of Abraham to war against themselves! This is why as "pure" as Allah exhorted Islam to maintain itself, the Qur'an teaches that Christianity and Judaism should be able to live in peace in the midst of Islamic peoples. The "infidels" of 700 AD and forward to our times are those who chain people in profane polytheistic and pagan beliefs. It is the continual temptation to not believe in Allah and heed his ways that the Muslims were exhorted to oppose most vigorously. A pious and God fearing Jewish or Christian community should never have been viewed as "infidel" or a threat. But during the times that the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was enlightened, remember that the conflict was between those who believed in the one God and those who were pagans. The Kabah itself had been lost to its original place of worship to the one God and had been taken over by pagan purposes and superstitions. Gabriel brought a very vigorous message of strict upholding of the truth of the one God, but this did not mean that those who also believed in the one God should be oppressed. This is why the Qur'an instructs how to permit Jewish and Christian peoples of faith to live among Muslim people of faith.
Humanity has not been civilized or covered in glory when it comes to misunderstanding and the seeking of control over others. In the past thousand years there is enough misunderstanding and blame for everyone to share in. God did not expect people to be perfect (good thing since that is impossible). Instead, God continually reiterated the promise to Abraham and his seed that they understand God's existence and will. God has never contradicted himself in his revelations to the authentic prophets of the Bible and the Qur'an. But God knows all too well how humanity is frail and sinful. Even the holiest, such as King David, had their moments to fall and disappoint God. People who actually walked with Jesus, heard him, saw him perform miracles through God fell and disbelieved. God knows all too well what people are like.
So he raised up the "youngest brother" (that's how I think of Islam, with affection) to be the most vigorous and energetic, pure and faithful in their belief. This does not mean that what God revealed to Jews and Christians is any less true. But God loves humans so much that even he cannot resist extra insurance policies (a little humorous analogy!) God sees into the future and knows how humans interact with each other and where the pitfalls are. Even as Christianity flourished under extreme martyrdom and conquered pagans through love of Jesus, God could see ahead (of course, being all knowing) that humans will continue to be tempted by neo-pagan and eventually secular and relativistic "beliefs," putting millions of souls in jeopardy of not being saved when they die, due to the "normalization" of sin throughout the world. This is why Islam rose to glory in its purity of belief and zeal.
God could see then that humans would continue to trend line back toward paganism, idolatry and self worship. He knew that Jews and Christians in their own time would be most ripe for the temptations of Satan, but also, since this is not all Satan's doing, humanity's own grievous character flaws and sinfulness. Technology, intellect, and prosperity outstripped the maturation of the great Abrahamic faiths and the character development of humans. So there is a way to look at it that younger brother and sister Islam was intended to "keep an eye out" for the older brothers and sisters of Judaism and Christianity who would forget about God and begin to worship themselves and their machines.
Babies were being sacrificed during the time of Moses by the pagans, and this was one of the most abhorrent behaviors of humans that God punished most severely whenever the people of Israel started to imitate this behavior themselves. Thousands of years later entire villages were sacrificed by the natives what would be called South America to their "gods" and "idols" and the "oppression by Christians" (and the appearance of the Virgin Mary in Guadeloupe) put an end to that. Yet at least even then the family and love of children, who began to live longer as medicine and hygiene improved, was the bedrock of civilization and faith. Even the worst of the baby murdering pagans lived in family structures and feared some sort of god. But God knows the continual temptation of humans and that technology and self worship would overcome piety and even the desire for eternal life in heaven. Pope Benedict XVI mentioned this in a wise address just a few days ago, where humans have become so existentialist and blase that they don't even think eternal life with God is something they want, it might even be "kind of a drag." (My paraphrasing in the vernacular).
Who could have predicted such an insane and self destructive race by humanity? God (Allah) of course. In large parts of the world there is no more "family" and babies are sacrificed on a scale via abortion that would make even the Aztecs blush. And who thinks that abortion is "a good thing?" Liberal or non believing Judeo-Christian "cultures." Who is against abortion? Islam, the Catholic Church, and the most orthodox members of the Jewish faith. So who is the infidel? Not the stalwarts of the orthodox faiths of Abraham's seed. These are the ones who should be in the union of common purpose to restore humanity's humanity and their visible life within piety to God.