I'm irate and fed up with persistent New Age astro-crap believers who have been eagerly awaiting this most recent astrological "transit" across an area of my chart that may indicate my "demise."
It really burns my hide that for years people have cheered for me to, well, die as various paths of astrological points through my "chart" indicate that possibility to people who believe in this heretical crap. Nothing like having folks eagerly check to see if I've become ill or better yet, kick off and this has been going on for years. Worse, sometimes folks like to help the process along.
Do they think God does not know, see this? Do they not believe they will be called to an accounting by God, regardless where their "planets" or "nodes" or asteroids are tripping? This is not at all funny and there is no acceptable explanation.
And it is not harmless. Bad intentions that have been sent my way have rebounded, affecting both the guilty and the innocent.
The world is in such a dire fix in large part because people who had been blessed with life, resources, even wealth have used it to afflict me and others for no reason whatsoever and with no justice. Just as the ricochet takes years, so too will the payback, in the Lord's time, in life and in the eternity after death.
By the way, astro-crap idiots. Even astrology were ever "true" it would be out of the reach of nearly everybody because the soul enters the body at the time of the livable and quickening embryo. I used to watch the idiots on an astrology board debate time of birth, whether inducing birth matters, what happens if you don't know what time the baby came out of the womb, etc. I used to just watch it like these idiots (many of them wealthy influential people, celebrities even, who posed as poor old regular Joes and Marys) debated and scratched their arses as they wondered about something that was not even true.
IF God had ever designed astrology to be real it would have been based on the entry of the soul (along with the guardian angel) as the embryo is first formed, attaches to the womb, and "quickens" (makes its first cell growth). But astrology is significant only in that it makes people observant of the cycles of the galaxy and the universe as a whole, with seasons and impulses of biochemical energy. You can get the same, except it's actually accurate and benevolent, by being pious to God and shunning the occult and its temptations for the illusion of control.