I know there are people who meditate and contemplate bad thoughts (such as wishing blindness, cancer, heart attacks, and other afflictions) on people they think are bad or who somehow "deserve" or are "fated" to have these sufferings. This is of the most dire error and causes harm precisely to humanity's well being in general.
For example, one of the people I most dislike in the world is Kony of LRA who claims to be Jesus yet causes the torture, rape and murder of thousands of innocents. However I have never once even had a thought of ill toward him, only that he receive justice or extreme conversion. I've never even had a thought of wishing diarrhea on him, say nothing of taking God's place and thinking I can wish harm to his body or mind in some sort of judgment.
People must emulate my model, but they do not. God has no tolerance for voodoo type of mindset and he will punish not only the thinkers of it, but God will not step in to save people from the unintended ricochet consequences on the innocent or associates of the perpetrators. This is because God has repeatedly said that people have to learn to be decent and charitable people among themselves to merit salvation. God is not going to be the master robot programmer and impose decent thoughts and charity on people for them, for what would be the point of letting them live at all?