One of the things I've been happy about is the definite improvement in the status of Christianity in China. I've been grateful to Chinese authorities for their increased ordinations of Vatican recommended/approved bishops. And I've noticed positive media coverage of Christianity in general, both Catholic and Protestant. This is all a very good thing and I'm happy for the people of China who like all people of the world recognize the greater spirit of faith that brings joy to life beyond the mundane circumstances of existence. The Chinese have always been a spiritual people and there was a void for a very long time. When I was growing up there was frequent mention even here in the USA about the wisdom of Confucius, for example (though now I bet most adults under the age of forty here have ever even heard of him!)
Anyway, in the Christmas spirit, and because I am fond of the Chinese people and regularly read news sources from there, I wanted to applaud the progress and hope that everyone is having a Merry and blessed Christmas. I hope that 2008 sees even more progress, especially with those who have come into conflict with authorities over their faith. Stern treatment of corrupt factory owners and others who betray the public trust and health are one thing. You should not be so stern with people who may follow a path of faith that crosses some boundaries. Best wishes for the New Year (and also with Olympic preparations...)