Thursday, December 27, 2007

Satan, not Jesus, endorses "Prosperity Gospel"

I cannot believe how people have been taken in by so called ministries and televangelists who actually accept donations from people so that they can live lavish lifestyles and actually preach that as Gospel!

Their tongues ought to be stuck to the roofs of their mouths. What a disgrace.

In Biblical times "prosperity" meant, in an agricultural economy, that you could grow enough food and tend enough livestock that 1) your family never lived in want or need 2) your family itself could 'prosper,' which means your children could marry well and have children of their own 3) you could sacrifice better quality and quantity to God and give to the Temple and 4) you could have foods such as milk and honey that are not only nutritious but a pleasure to eat. Prosperity was SELF EARNED, not taken from the faithful as "donations."

No honorable Jew or early Christian would take from a believer any more than was necessary for sustenance and to spread the word of the Lord and perform good works in his name.

There simply was not the economic equivalent then that exists today. People in Biblical times did not "become rich." They were either born to wealth, the very few in number, or they lived ordinary lives by the work of their own hands (including the early Christians) and sought to establish prosperity, as I outlined above, for their family. Prosperity sometimes meant you had earned enough money to purchase members of your family from slavery and redeem captives. NO ONE in Biblical times considered "prosperity" the taking of money from the faithful in order to buy a jewel encrusted chariot.

Oh my God, give me a break from such profane exploiters.

Being wealthy is a matter for one's own life circumstance and one's own conscience. But there is NO SUCH THING as "prosperity gospel." King David lived in prosperity, but he almost lost it all when he decided to do an inventory of his possessions without having permission to do so from God. He nearly brought disease, ruination, invasion, and the loss of his kingship upon himself by being self satisfied in what God had allowed him to have. How much more so do you think God will judge so called ministers and preachers who take money from the faithful so they can wallow in their lavish lifestyle and ATTRIBUTE it to GOD?

No, it ain't God they hear whispering in their ears and giving them jollies when they look at their bank accounts.