Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Story about my former best friend

I think people can learn a little bit about how to avoid their own mistakes by listening to this story. My former best friend's birthday is December 3, and so she automatically crossed my mind, as I wrote out a birthday card for my mother, who is next week. We were best friends for about forty years until our friendship ended, totally. Here is just a few sentences on the subject so that you can avoid making the same mistakes in your life.

We grew up together and I often looked to her mother for the relaxed and unconditional affection that my own mother is far too uptight and angry to ever have had. So we had a particularly deep and trusting friendship even though we were quite unalike in personality. My former best friend is not very modest, and she also does not have a very deep faith. But I loved her as a best friend and would have trusted her with my life.

One thing we laughed about is how she had a perfect sense of direction, except it was the opposite of the correct way. She would insist that the left turn is correct, and it would turn out that the exact opposite, the right turn would be correct. If, when navigating, you did the exact mirror image of what she insisted was correct, you would then find that you went in the correct direction. You just could not let her navigate or hold the map, ever.

Well, it came to my attention some years ago that behavior changes that she showed toward me were not caused by distraction, suffering and stress, as I had compassionately assumed. She had allowed herself to become enmeshed with the cultists who stalked me, allowing herself to be used. Once again she chose the direct opposite of the correct direction. I gave her two chances to admit it and repent, but she denied it all, and so I terminated the relationship, for good. It's alright to choose against me, for some bizarre reason, but it's never alright to do it to fulfill a defiance of God, a disrespect of God, by fulfilling "action steps" by those who work in the direct opposite direction of God's will, refusing to believe in him as he has revealed himself.

Don't have a perfect sense of direction in the opposite direction of what is correct. Further, two wrongs never make a right. If you should have turned "right" and instead turned "left," turning left again does not get you back to the correct place. I lost her son, my godson, too, for that very reason, as he too thinks that many secret left turns equate a correct right turn, instead of understanding that a right turn, having been missed, must be immediately corrected by faithfully backtracking. I often have him in mind when I speak to you, the young readers of my blog, because he was deeply led astray in his secular education, his friendships, the narcissism of the entertainment media (he is a gifted musician), and his lack of upbringing in the faith. So I try to help those who read and who listen to me to avoid those pitfalls, into which he and his mother have fallen and sadly, so many others, despite my pleadings and stern warnings.

God knows, sees all, so if you are treating someone this way, even if they never "know about it," God knows, from the moment it was first a thought in your head and, of course, even before then, since God knows all that each human ever did or will do.