This has been a hot topic for a number of years, though actually, as a sign of the falling society, it has not been as hot a topic as it should have been. Now some of you will jump to the conclusion by that statement that I think desecration should be illegal and a prosecutable offense. That's actually not true, although I fully support a nation that is a theocracy to view desecration of their holy books and objects as a crime. However, they are most severely reminded by God not to bear false witness against a neighbor claiming there is desecration when there is not, as a way to persecute a minority religion. You know that happens in India and Pakistan. To lie that someone has desecrated a holy book IS actually desecrating that holy book, by the false accuser, by using the word of God/Allah to persecute an innocent soul.
Here is my opinion. While I do not think that desecration should be a crime (except in a nation that is openly a theocracy and conducts itself accordingly) is it obvious that those who desecrate should be treated harshly by society. The fact that this does not even occur to anyone shows how far society has deviated from the good and fulfilling world that God had intended. The development of human kind, despite propaganda about "rights" and "open mindedness" has actually been distorted, mutilated, and deviated. Society in general should revere holy books and objects. Society in general should recognize that children imitate parents and other adult "trend setters." The desecration of holy books and objects is actually a form of parental interference. The performance of it as public theater is meant to warp the faith of children, let's not lie and pretend not to understand that. Any time desecration takes place in public, whether it is called art or protest, the intention is to warp and coarsen the sensibilities and faith of the youthful audience. Any healthy society should swiftly and totally shun and punish desecraters through, let's put it this way, the powers of the market forces. Everyone seems to understand capitalism, with supply and demand, and also the need for parental rights in the raising of children. A desecrator should receive the full social wrath of the community. This should be played out in every forum that is legal. A desecrator should lose support of friends, relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances. A desecrator should receive a black mark against their character that factors into their future jobs, housing, investments and any other forum where it is legal to consider character. Further, instead of viewing this as being "edgy" and "newsworthy," media should actually either ignore the reporting or if they report, finally find some righteous indignation and condemn and shun the desecrator. And this should apply even if you do not share the faith of the holy book or object being desecrated, because by now society should be intelligent enough to see the harm that an attitude of unquestioned desecration fosters.
This is why Islam is, correctly, so hard against desecrators... they are intelligent and evolved enough to understand that desecration occurs not for "art" or "protest," but to undermine the faith of children and youngsters. While the society of Christian and secular nations no longer seem to care about this (another sign of their coming downfall) people who really consider themselves intellectuals and social critics ought to understand that there is an underlying agenda of evil and chaos, eternally found in humans who are flawed, that feeds on desecration. If Christian society had developed the way that Jesus Christ intended, there would be no desecration except by the bona fide insane, because there would have been a collective understanding of the harm of a desecrating mind set in society and a thorough shunning of anyone who explored it as "art" or "protest" would have evolved that conceit and spiritual inflation right out of the society.