Why Islam was Revealed by God
Many Christians wonder why Islam was revealed. And likewise, some Muslims wonder why the people of Israel did not recognize Jesus as their Messiah. The two are not actually cause and effect. What happened is that God knew that while the Apostolic Church of Jesus (the Roman Catholic Church) would run true and remain pure in their Christianity, many of the Church's laity, some of the priests, and those who established their own independent Christian churches would eventually reintroduce pagan beliefs and dilute their respect for, belief in, and obedience to One God, despite Jesus' constant admonishments to worship only the One God. I'm not talking about the Trinity, which is faithful to Catholic Church teaching. I'm talking of the same old problem that God and his prophets constantly had to correct ancient Israel regarding the worship of other idolatrous gods by admixing pagan beliefs. They don't know that I know but I know both Catholic priests and Protestant and non denominational ministers who believe in reincarnation in secret. And the filth of "new age" that believes that God is just some universal spirit that is also subject to reincarnation has crept into much of Christianity through the laity. And I need to say no more about the attempts by the vile "women priest" and other movements to crucify a woman on the cross of Jesus, and to worship a dual Male-Female Godhead. The blasphemy and heresy would make me rend my robes if I owned any. They blab on and on, some of them thinking that I must be "someone" but "how could she be someone and still have married or dated" and they gossip and spy and apostate. They've even gone so far as to reintroduce Greek and Roman gods in their worship.
So God in his wisdom and all knowing, instructed the Angel Gabriel to instruct the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) to record and memorize, with the utmost clarity, that there is One God alone, who the Muslims call Allah. The Lord recognized that the Muslim people would be the most faithful and least prone to apostate on the belief of the One God as he revealed himself to Adam, Abraham, Moses, and the ancient fathers. Muslims find the security of knowing and trusting in the will of Allah, and do not chase idols and wish to dilute their own faith in order to self aggrandize, as do Christians who fall for pagan admixtures to their faith in Jesus Christ. The steadfastness of the belief of the Muslims in Allah, and their recognition of Jesus as from God in Spirit and Mary and their purity is to be highly commended.