I was checking my e-mail a few minutes ago, in preparation for writing my blog about the archangel Michael. While reading my email I was startled to see the AOL pop up screen suddenly change to black with a message "What if you died today? What would your family do?" or something like that.
I instantly saw myself atop a white horse, standing in front of the funeral parlor in my home town. This is the funeral parlor who took care of my dad in the 60's and my step dad last year. The white horse was Quinn, a giant horse who I often admired, petted, and fed as he was stalled next to the horses I rode as a student at a riding stable, many years ago. Next to me stood on the ground the son of the funeral home owner, who now is the manager. I tossed him a bag of gold from my right hand and said, "Hire 10,000 people to bury one million people."
So, that was my instantaneous thought to the grim insurance company pop up that suddenly disrupted reading my e-mail. Strange huh?