Friday, November 28, 2008

Go back to church, synagogue and mosque

Abandon the "New Age" and the occult, like "astrology." Seriously. It is doing all of you more harm than you can ever realize. Far from being "enlightened" and affirmative, it is a depressive set of handcuffs that deny the goodness of God that strives to operate within each person to achieve the greatest goodness, denying that goodness and surrendering one's self to the depressive view of a churning cruel world of "fate."

A spokesperson for such a community who lost two members in Mumbai, killed by terrorists, one a child, said in response to a question from the press regarding what she thought of the terrorists that the terrorists were like "95% of the rest of the world's population."

Friends, that is how cultists view everyone else. Is 95% of the world "just like the terrorists?" You know, the great unwashed unenlighted who only have their eyes, as she put it "on the ground."

I don't think so and neither does the real One God.