Saturday, November 15, 2008

Understanding God (3 of a series)

This is not really a new section of tutorial, but just a few miscellaneous points to keep in mind while you read and practice the material in 1 and 2 of this series.

First, I am focusing on God's attribute of all-knowing-ness first, because that is where the best foundation can be laid for correcting modern human understanding of God. So remember that there are many more attributes of God that will be explored, and that all-knowing-ness is not the only definition of God. Indeed, God as source of all love is the actual most accurate summation of God's essential being, but sadly, it is that attribute that is most misunderstood and used as short-cut manipulation of human perception of God. So it is important for me to instruct you in God's "intellectual" or "scope of being" attributes first, so that you have a proper view of God's might and will.

Second, think of what it would "be like" to have a mind like God's, where one looks at everything around him or her, including one's own body and sees the past, present and future of every subatomic particle that exists, ever existed and where it will exist next until the end of time. Obviously no human or any being can function with even a fraction of the all-knowing perception that only God has. That is an obvious method of "ruling out" the many nut jobs who claim that God "channels" into them.

Third, it makes you appreciate all the more the only human who communicated with God as God was present in his full nature on earth, Moses. Remember Ezeckiel and Isaiah saw God in part on earth but still located in the firmament, God's natural place of full manifestation. Only Moses saw God in his natural form and thus, for the purpose of our tutorial, God as he was "looking" at Moses and all around him with that all-knowing sight we describe. One can only speculate how God appeared to Adam and Eve as he walked among them, as Genesis does not record those details except to say that Adam and Eve could hear God's footsteps. Therefore you have only Moses, that remarkable man, who observed God face to face as God appears in his all knowing natural presence on earth.

Fourth, you must recognize that Jesus Christ performed miracles at the behest of God, and was the human face of God, but Jesus himself was not a manifestation of the all knowing God in his natural form, obviously. I say "obviously" but this is one of the things I must remind people of, since it has become ill understood. I will write much more on this later in this series. So Jesus did not gaze on people and have the "knowing all that was and will be down to the atomic particle level" continual awareness and all-knowingness of God himself. A human body cannot have God's perception, but Jesus, as Son of God through Mary being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, could use portions of that perception as God willed it, such as in the performing of miracles.

The whole point of Jesus was not to "be God" since God himself was and is God, and had already been "seen" by Moses. Thus one should not expect Jesus to have exhibited all the traits of God, nor should people detract from Jesus as Savior and Messiah being both Son of Man and Son of God. Jesus did not appear to "make people believe in God," but to allow people to see the human face of God. The people were already presented with God so that they can believe in him when God appeared to Moses and accompanied the Chosen People, the Israelites, in the Meeting Tent. So Jesus was not sent by God so that people in the future should, in their position of supposed intellectual superiority, "believe" or "not" in God. Moses had already placed that foundation of faith by witnessing and testimony of his face to face friendship with God in the fullness of his true nature.

When people told Jesus they see him and believe, that means they saw and believed that he was the face of God sent as Messiah and Savior, and that they believed his message and his witness. You must remember that they already believed in God based on the witness of Moses, and the people of the Exodus who witnessed the presence of God with their own eyes.

This, by the way, is the reason that no one, not even Moses, can look upon the face of God. When one looks upon the face of God in his fullness, one is looking directly into the capability of knowing and seeing all. So to use our example, imagine if you looked at God as he was looking at you, observing all of the subatomic particles of your body and all of the universe, past, present and future. A human could not endure such a gaze. The reason that viewing God's face cannot be endured is not because it is like in some science fiction movie, too bright light like laser beams or something. It is the awareness of how small and insignificant a human being is that is crushing and unable to be endured. When God in his all knowing visage is gazing at a human, a human realizes what a tiny lump of temporary particles that he or she is, and they simply would be destroyed in that knowledge. The reasons that humans can live at all is that they have such inflated self importance, much of it unreasonable, but the foundation of which is sound, that is that they are each loved by God. So a human could not endure the all-knowing gaze of God because they would see their own true nature revealed, totally insignificant. However, knowing that one is dearly loved by God allows a human, such as Moses, to be in the presence of the all knowing God.

This is why Jesus was Jesus, sent by God, and God is God. Humans could not only endure being in the company of Jesus, but they loved him and were elevated in knowing his love for them. Humans can love God, but they cannot endure the direct gaze of his total knowledge and perfection. Only Moses was able to do so, with God protecting him from a direct look at the fullness of his power in God's "face." Jesus brought God's love in a way that humans could perceive it in friendship, companionship, and without also coping with the fullness of the all knowing God's gaze.

So as an additional exercise, imagine what I described above, which would be to look at God, in a form that he allows you to bear, knowing and seeing that he is in his state of all-knowing-ness, as I have described to you using the example of every subatomic particle in the universe, including those in your face. It ought to be a genuine humility making experience to truthfully imagine this, and is part of having a sound understanding of God's true nature.

I hope that you have found this helpful.