Monday, December 1, 2008

marymajor's Advent Calendar: December 2

December 2

But the human eye does not suffice to penetrate the mystery of this incarnation. For in no way may we search out how the Word became embodied; how the Supreme Life-Giving Spirit, was quickened within the womb of a mother; how That Which has no beginning was both conceived and came into existence.

The lachets of His shoe are therefore the seals of a mystery. John [the Baptist] was not worthy to loose his shoe, because he was unable to search into the mystery of His Incarnation. What then does he mean when he says, the lachet of whose shoe I am not worthy to loose, except openly and humbly to confess his ignorance?

It is as though he were to say: what wonder that He is preferred before me, Whom I know to be born after me, but the Mystery of Whose Birth I am unable to comprehend. Behold John, filled with the Spirit of prophecy, shining with knowledge, yet he plainly declares that as to this mystery he knows nothing.

- St. Gregory