Thursday, February 28, 2008

Both conservatives & liberals wrong re healthcare

The liberals are wrong when they say that healthcare is a "right." The conservatives are wrong when they say it is a "privilege" or an economic commodity. In fact as far as I can see everyone is wrong about healthcare because they are using an anti-intellectual approach to it.

My policy is that there should be free and universal preventative medicine for all children under the age of 21. The reason why should be obvious, and it would be if anyone remembered what society was like before the past several generations of both left and right wing material obsession.

Just as I paid taxes even though I never had children in the public school system, the health of babies, small children, and teenagers should be the focus of the "free and universal" component of any health plan, not the "illness" orientation that everyone (selfishly) argues about. The obvious example is public innoculations against illness for school children as to why it is in the interest of even those lack compassion. But a society that does not promote the health of its children is doomed to rot and fall. I believe that every child should have free and universal access to both healthcare and preventative medicine services (nutrition, for example). I don't care if the children are rich or poor, there should be no differentiation in their complete level of service and collection of high standard offerings of continual care through childhood. All you have to do is look at childhood diabetes to see how this has increased as the lack of proper care of children decreased in wisdom and comprehension.