Sunday, February 24, 2008

More about previous blog posting

Whenever you are in doubt, just think, "What would St. Paul do?" If St. Paul knew of a gathering where the parishoners were forced to listen to blasphemy, pagan ideas or even very lax and weak theology he would immediately order the faithful to no longer attend that gathering. Even if they had to walk barefoot for an hour St. Paul would lead the faithful to a gathering where they were one hundred percent orthodox. Any of the Apostles, including St. Peter, would do the same thing, but St. Paul is the one who left the most writings, including his attitude toward things like refusing the Eucharist to those who approach in an unworthy manner. How much more would he be enraged at "mother earth" references, "womyn priest," and "social agendas." At the first occurrence of any of these he would lead the entire flock away from that gathering place and those responsible. So gas up the cars and find a sweet and orthodox parish that may be nearly empty on most days and exodus, just as St. Paul would have, to a proper place for the Catholic Mass and orthodoxy. St. Paul would not put up with one single occurrence of these heretical behaviors and he'd never allow his followers and their families to do so either. You have to "vote with your feet" and not enable. There's not a single Apostle, disciple or early Church father who would put up with a single instance of the type of thing we have seen in recent years. St. Paul and the others would have "pulled up the tent peg" and walked over rocks if they had to in order to be at a place of one hundred percent pure orthodoxy in worship to God in the name of Jesus Christ, they would for sure.