Friday, February 15, 2008

Smoking weed advice

Marijuana is not harmless. I'm not going to go into all the reasons why since I'm trying to focus my blogging on quick and effective remedies to problems. But I must reiterate that weed is an incredible problem and is to account for much of the lack of physical and emotional balance that has impacted the most recent two generations. Even casual use is a problem because it alters brain chemistry in a way that is counterproductive to maintaining realistic balance in one's life and, like child pornography, it is not a victimless crime as you support drug dealers and producers with every purchase. I wrote a long posting about this from a moral "what's God likely to do about it when he judges you" perspective a while ago so I won't cover the same material. Here I want to tell you about some healthier thought processes.

Most of you are too young to remember your grandfather's generation and what they went through when they wanted to quit cigarette smoking. This was before patches and other chemical or therapy options. Most of them just had to decide to quit cold turkey. My mother quit smoking that way, after she drove into a ditch in a snowstorm because she "had" to have another pack of cigarettes. She never smoked that pack or any other from that tow truck day onward, and the pack sat in the living room like a deer antler trophy ha ha. But here's a little history. What did work was the men and women who wanted to quit smoking set up a money jar. Every time they wanted a cigarette, they would put into the money jar how much they would have spent on that part of the pack of cigarettes. So instead of smoking they put the money they would have spent on smoking into the jar. A lot of people quit that way. That money was a real motivator because this was the time before credit cards. People used to save up in a jar like $25 at a time and it really meant something. It either went into the bank account or it was saved up for a major family purchase.

Now I know that in our credit card society this might not be a real motivator to someone who smokes pot, and puts the money in the jar instead of having the blunt. However, this is the new and more accurate way of thinking that I want you to consider. The money that you are putting into that jar when you don't smoke is not going to a drug dealer, even if he is your local pal, because up the chain it ends up in the pocket of the cartels and the big dealers who have caused so much harm worldwide. Every time you do not give a dollar to someone selling pot, you are depriving the drug pushers of what you can think of "as a share of common stock" in their drug dealing company. You have that money to reinvest in "a share of common stock in life," for yourself, your family, or the community. What if you stopped smoking pot and gave the money you saved to a soup kitchen instead? Or to one of the international agencies who help poor farmers overseas to plant food crops instead of harvesting drugs? So it occurred to me to share this old fashioned way that many of our grandfathers and parents quit smoking, so they could have Christmas Club money, or an addition on the house, or clothes for their kids, that otherwise they would have burned up in financing their cigarette habit. You should use the same inspiration for giving up smoking weed, assuming any of my readers are still insane and unbalanced enough to still be doing so despite my many warnings and example setting about using no substance at all, period. Bring back the money jars and stop giving money to drug dealers. Buy "shares" in yourself, your family, your friends, your community, and even the global community by spending the ex-dope money on real goods and generous services.

I hope this helps. Sometimes the old folks really knew what they were doing, and I'm just trying to share the best of what worked for them so that you all can also benefit from their experience and wisdom. Hmm.