Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jews complain about Pope's prayer rewrite

They don't want to be prayed for if the prayer is about them learning about Jesus and sharing in his salvation plan. No problem by me. I'm too busy "praying" that they will find hearts at all, especially related to the Palestinians. But honestly, after the way I've been treated, abused in return for kindness and attentiveness on my part, they're not in my prayer intentions at all any more. They fired me from jobs just for being Christian "me" and were mean and disrespectful to my face and behind my back. One co-worker who was an ex Israeli captain and had a lot of academic degrees mocked me behind my back to others when I cried over my pet dog dying. He's a rich big shot with his own company now. Hope he's got a lot of air conditioning in this life, while he can.