Saturday, February 16, 2008

Institutionalize crazy people

So called "mental health professionals" do not believe in institutionalizing crazy people who endanger themselves and others. They pat themselves on the back while watching reruns of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo Nest." They leaf through their scrapbooks of how wonderful they were in the 1960's and 1970's when they made the big bad state dump the insane into the streets and chant how kind and humane they are. When one kills they say, "Oh, well, no one can predict THAT." Well hello? The man arrested for the slice and dice of the therapist has been, according to uneducated reporters who didn't have a PhD or nothing but just interviewed neighbors, known to be crazy for years, terrorizing his apartment building in Queens and no doubt suffering himself from his state.

"Mental health professionals" only believe in confining Christians from preaching the Gospel and that's a fact. When I interned in outpatient services all the "mental health professionals" cared about was getting pro life patients out of their groups and making sure I don't actually ask my patients about their relationship with God. Oh, and that was in a Catholic hospital, but the mental health services was run by secular, um, "not Christians." How kind, how compassionate they are... making sure the crazies in pain are running around in the street while the Christian counselors have their mouths zipped shut.