Monday, February 11, 2008

Pope Benedict XVI reflections about Lent

Do read the Holy Father's thoughts about Lent, and also his mention of the apparition of Mary at Lourdes. He always touches on exactly the right points and perspectives.


The Holy Father said that it's also a time to take up one's cross and follow Christ. The cross, he added, is the "opportunity to follow Christ and in this way acquire strength in the battle against sin and evil."

The Pontiff concluded: "Entering into Lent therefore means renewing the personal and communal decision to face evil together with Christ. The way of the cross is in fact the only way that leads to the victory of love over hate, of sharing over egoism, of peace over violence.

"Seen in this way, Lent is truly an occasion for determined ascetic and spiritual commitment founded upon the grace of Christ."