When I was doing some counseling and spiritual direction some years ago, I met some people, "online" who have an increasingly common sexual mental disorder.
(If you are sensitive, and I totally understand, as I'm sure tired of talking about it, don't read any further, as this will be a candid and somewhat shocking blogging).
These people are totally obsessed with oral sex, both homosexual sex and heterosexual sex. They are obsessed in two ways. One is that they are unable to put genuine encounters that they have had in context. For example, they cannot forget or move on past youthful (or drug fueled) experimentation. They "rerun" the tape of each encounter over and over, and insist on hinting about it to everyone they meet, but don't actually come right out and discuss it. I spent months of very frustrating time online with them, based on friendship and genuine concern, and I tell you, at this point, I don't even want to see a cat licking itself, I grew so sick of the subject. Here's what is strange and rather incestuous. Their families, including parents and aunts, encourage and participate in the oral sex episode obsession and reiteration. The Bible has something about that, about aunts who ought to keep themselves covered around their nephews, but hey, these aren't Bible geniuses. My point is that obsessing about oral sex, especially the homosexual kind, totally overwhelmed large parts of these adult men's lives, encouraged by "intimate" relatives. I'd worry about any children around them. Am I worried about molesting? Nope. What I would worry about is that they would see a caution sign for a railroad crossing and think that it is a picture of a big dick. Really, they have filters on their eyes and brains, and an inability to process normal life and thoughts, without including some obsession about oral sex.
One day... and this would be a funny story if it was not so pathetic... I was out hiking in upstate New York, and was in sparsely populated farm area. I "ran into" a middle aged woman on the path (to my surprise, as few but the occasional bicyclists were around) and she promptly steered the conversation to her son being "gay" and "what would God think of that." Um, like I said, the pee pee organ being used for yum yum is constantly on their minds and of their enabling relatives. I explained that God is not thrilled, but it's far worse if they promote that activity, rather than keeping it to themselves. She was actually unhappy with that answer. Um, would you like your mom or your auntie thinking about what sex organ you stick where? If my parents ever gave any thought about any part of my intimate life, it would give me the creeps. Anyway, so that is the first point, that these people, the men I talked to and the women who enable these obsessions about behavior that every generation of human has had to struggle with, only increases mental illness, not decreases or "eases" it. I've even blogged that Jesus didn't care what sex positions the sinners had (like the woman by the well with "five husbands). Nothing gets through to them (except, I guess, constant oral sex images).
The second problem is, not surprisingly, they are in the "communications" business. Yep, you guessed it. They "work out" their obsession by including meat pole (pardon my bluntness, but that's a terminology I actually had to learn in the course of trying to help these people) allusions in commercials, videos, advertisements, music, talk show and every little thing they get their mitts on. Since I know these people I have to cringe now, on just about a daily basis, as I see "well, where did they work the meat pole reference in today? oh yeah, 'there it is!'" The problem is, while they "work out their problems," they are flooding young people with subliminal (and not so subtle) sucky sucky on the big thang messages.
Please pray for these people. Really, I've been able to do nothing to help and if anything, all I am is a target for the enablers to obsess more and more (like I said, I can't even 'take a hike' without a dirty mommy wanting to talk gobble gobble about her son). Yeah, right on time, I just heard a reference from one of them on one of their regular radio shows.