Thursday, June 21, 2007

Again I urge Iraqi Christians to save themselves

Pope Benedict XVI lamented the suffering of Christians in Iraq, and their steady exodus from that country, during a June 21 conversation with an Iraqi Orthodox leader.
The Pope remarked that Christians are "suffering both materially and spiritually" in the Middle East, the birthplace of the faith. "Particularly in Iraq," he said, "Christian families and communities are feeling increasing pressure from insecurity, aggression and a sense of abandonment. Many of them see no other possibility than to leave the country and to seek a new future abroad."

Meanwhile, the Pontiff said, the immediate struggles of all Christians in Iraq "are a source of great concern to me, and I wish to express my solidarity with the pastors and the faithful of the Christian communities who remain there, often at the price of heroic sacrifices."

I share the Pope's concern for Eastern Christians, as I've posted on this blog before. But they should get out as soon as possible, and I urge them to go to Syria if they are in a dangerous area, rather than wait for permission for a Western country. It is not as though the brave Eastern Christians are taking a stand for their religion, but rather, they are being used as unconscionable cannon fodder as all sides slaughter each other, and the Christians are the only ones to be non violent and turn the other cheek. That is not a sacrifice that God would want them to make; the safety of their families and their clergy must come first. I urge those who have contacts in Iraq to stress that they should get out as soon as possible and to see if they can go to Syria quickly. As sad as it is I am more optimistic than our Holy Father that they can carry their faith with them and be supported in places that they do not expect.

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